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a sum of money was shared between mr and mrs lin in the ratio 2:5. if the sum was shared in the ratio 5:2 instead, mr lin would receive $600 more. find the sum of money. please tell me how you got it and what you got as the answer. thanks.

2007-12-31 14:49:32 · 5 answers · asked by Withme989 1 in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

5 answers

mrs received 5/7 and mr received 2/7
if the ratio were 5:2, he would have received 5/7

5/7 - 2/7 = 600
3t/7 = 600
3t =4200
t = 1400

he rcvd 400; he would have rcvd 1000
total is 1400

2007-12-31 15:01:31 · answer #1 · answered by Steve A 7 · 0 0

Mr. Lin got 3/7 more of total money. It is same as $600.
(total) *3/7 = 600
total = 600 *7 /3
total = 1400

2008-01-04 21:40:50 · answer #2 · answered by ­^ ³ 5 · 0 0

600 is equal to 3/7 of total
(total) *3/7 = 600
total = 1400

2008-01-04 22:35:38 · answer #3 · answered by SamC 5 · 0 0

let the total be k
mr lin got 2k /7
if it was the other way round he would have got 5k/7

by given data
(5k/7) - (2k /7) = 600

or 3k /7 = 600

or k = 1400

2007-12-31 23:32:38 · answer #4 · answered by qwert 5 · 0 0

Well, this question is a little odd. A ratio of 5:2 and a ratio of 2:5 are the same thing.
A ratio is a comparison of amount, not like a fraction. A one to one ratio, for example, means that both sides have the same amount.
If the ratio is 5:2 then there are a total of 7 parts. If the "5" is $600 more than the "2" then that 600 must be 3 parts. Therefore, the "5" share is actually $1000, the "2" share $400.
This ratio, in essence says that for every 5 that mr lin has ms lin has 2.

2007-12-31 23:02:21 · answer #5 · answered by jawusong101 2 · 1 1