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Currently enrolled in High School. I want to know what a semester is and how long is it. Most Medical School requires 2 Semesters of Physics, 2 Semesters of Biology, 2 Semesters of Organic Chemistry(With Labs), 2 Semesters of Inorganic Chemistry(With Labs) and 1 semester of Calculus, is it possible to do all that in four years? How do you fit all this in four years? What does (With Labs) mean?

2007-12-31 14:36:11 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Education & Reference Higher Education (University +)

2 answers

A semester is usually 15 weeks (plus a week for finals). There are two of them per year, so you would be in college for 8 semesters. It is very possible to do all that you mention in 4 years, because most students take 5 courses per semester, so you might, for example, start out with biology, chemistry, and calculus during your first year. That would allow you to take two more classes your first semester and three the second semester. Then you could take more chemistry and physics as a sophomore, with three additional classes each semester. Then you would still have two more years for your other courses, plenty of time to fit everything in!

"with labs" means that each course meets on a particular schedule for lectures, and then once a week for a lab session, probably with a teaching assistant. Labs don't give you any additional credits, but they are required of anyone taking that course. You usually have to sign up for the lab separately, and there may be several options of times when you can take them.

2007-12-31 15:13:54 · answer #1 · answered by neniaf 7 · 1 0

A semester is 15 weeks. It usually takes you 1 semester to complete 1 course. The typical college student graduates with a bachelors degree after 8 semesters.

It is possible to complete this in four years because you take more than one class at a time. For example, during my the spring semester, of my sophomore year, I took Organic Chemistry w/ lab, and physics w/ lab. By then I already completed 2 semesters of biology, 1 of organic chemistry, calculus, and 2 semesters of chemistry. As premed you will have a very rigorous schedule. Don't forget there are many other classes that you must take to get a bachelors degree. It is very possible to complete this in four years, it will just require alot of studying and good time management.

At orientation for the college you will attend, an academic adviser will explain this to you in detail.

With Lab means that the course has a lab that you are required to take (i.e Biology will have a Biology Lab, which is a separate course). Most science classes have a lab. Labs are usually 1 or 2 credit hours, which means you only attend a lab once per week during a semester. A lab usually takes place in an actual lab, and you do hands on experiments and research.

2007-12-31 23:08:46 · answer #2 · answered by Just Fine!! 2 · 0 0