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check out my website at www.feelmellc.com and click the link Wise as a serpent... to read a small excerpt.

2007-12-31 14:20:44 · 5 answers · asked by dmask76 1 in Arts & Humanities Books & Authors

5 answers

There is no such thing as a good reputable self publishing company. All of them regularly make the list of the top ten worst publishers. They are a financial black hole. They cost money and in return all you get is a box of books you can sell. They do nothing for you to promote your book and it will not be for sale in bookstores. If you don't get an ISBN number - and many self publishers do not have them - it cannot even be sold at Barnes and Noble.com or Amazon. The average sales for a self published book is 100 copies or about 2/3 as many friends and family as you have. Only nine self published books have ever made the best seller list. The only two I can recall are Wayne Dyer and The Celestine Prophecy. And those authors literally went on the road selling books from bookstore to bookstore at great personal expense.

You need to understand the famous "Uncle Jim's Rule" - Money should flow TOWARD the author not away from the author.

To that I will add Persi's rule. "If you believe in yourself and in your book you owe it to yourself to spend at least twice as long trying to publish it traditionally as you did writing it."

Self publishing doesn't make you an author. It just means your check cleared the bank and they printed your book. I could self publish the Chinatown Phone book if I wanted to. It doesn't mean your book has passed the scrutiny of an agent or a publisher and was selected for publishing.

Visit Preditors and Editors and Absolute Write Water Cooler Bewares and Background Checks. You will find the #1 Self Publisher Publish America currently has over 56 THOUSAND complaints against them. The others aren't far behind. Is that what you want for your book? A lousy cover, poorly printed pages, non existent royalty checks and no recourse from your publisher? I don't.

If you go to my profile you will find I star all good Q and A on publishing and writing. There are several on self publishing. Scan through them and print out some you think will help you. Then get yourself a copy of Writers Market and start learning the REAL world of publishing.
They're, Their, There - Three Different Words.

Careful or you may wind up in my next novel.

Pax - C

2007-12-31 15:03:38 · answer #1 · answered by Persiphone_Hellecat 7 · 1 0

in case you have been a violinist and had to make money, could you pay to connect your community orchestra because of the fact they make a CD to sell regionally at Christmas, or could you be conscious for a job with the enormous apple Philharmonic? i'm bemused with the help of why this could nicely be a perplexing decision. Self publishing is for people who desire some copies for their acquaintances and kinfolk. in case you're able to desire to make various money, i'm afraid i desire to advise you bypass get a actual pastime. the commonplace earnings which revealed authors make from their writing is a pair of million/4 of the nationwide commonplace salary in the united kingdom. that's no longer which is composed of all the folk who make no longer something because of the fact they are able to't get revealed in any respect.

2016-10-03 00:16:38 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

http://www.lulu.com for self-publishing. They print exactly what you send and put a cover on it. That may not really be what you want.

http://www.publishamerica.com. You complete an introductory query and they'll let you know if they want to see what you've written. i just went through that and am now under contract.

Good luck. I know how hard you've worked.

2007-12-31 14:30:26 · answer #3 · answered by mountainbird51 3 · 0 1

Lulu.com is supposedly pretty good.

2007-12-31 14:28:30 · answer #4 · answered by handguns_heartache 1 · 0 1

The Conglomerate has a division called The Writers Consortium, which operates BePublished (a self-publishing assistance firm). Contact mari@bepublished.org or call 972-880-8316.

2007-12-31 14:25:18 · answer #5 · answered by BePublished.Org 2 · 0 0