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My teacher was giving us a lecture since our class is bad. My teacher said in 10-15 years men and women between the ages of 18-27 will be drafted into World War 3. Women will because they said have the same rights as men do now but back then they didn't. There is going to be a World War 3 because people are less caring and other countries will take over and she said it's because people these days have bad attitudes like "why do I have to do this & do I have too" and everything is handed to them but she said back then people were lucky if they had food on the table and they took anything that was given to them and they worked for everything. She also said China can take over any time because we owe them billions of dollars. My Language Arts teacher also said "you may think I'm lieing and saying that I'm just saying this, but I'm not." She got me scared about this lecture but my mom said they won't let women in the war because they will get raped. What do you think about this?

2007-12-31 14:11:39 · 15 answers · asked by xo cAnDii ♥ 5 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

Callie, I agree

2007-12-31 14:15:35 · update #1

i'm in 7th grade

2007-12-31 15:06:06 · update #2

She also said she knows this for a fact because she said "turn off your video games for a couple minutes and turn on CNN" or something that means that

2007-12-31 15:13:18 · update #3

15 answers

I think your teacher is partially correct. The incorrect part is calling it WW3--we've actually been through WW3 (the Cold War), and WW4 is occurring right now (the War on Terror against radical Islamicists). So if there is a war on a worldwide scale in a decade or so, it would actually be WW5, but that's just semantics.

There are a lot of countries who have compulsory military service of their citizens (Greece, Finland, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden, Germany, Iran, Russia, Syria, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Libya, to name a few), while far few countries have military service requirements for both sexes (Israel, for one; also, according to some web sites, North Korea, Cuba). I personally think, though it's possible the US would bring back the draft in the case of an all-out, traditional war, I don't think the draft would include women. That's my personal opinion. It's one thing to have men and women in the military voluntarily; it's a whole new ball game to use the draft for women.

Regarding China "taking over any time": while it's true that China does hold a lot of the US debt, Japan actually holds more US debt than China. And Japan has traditionally been much more friendly to US concerns than China. That doesn't mean that China, or Japan, or any other country for that matter, couldn't at some time decide to invest less in US debt and more into its own economy. Any large dip in foreign investment into US debt could adversely affect the US economy.

2007-12-31 15:34:10 · answer #1 · answered by Brenda 2 · 0 0

Teachers are supposed to teach not give there view of the world or politics thats whats wrong with our schools today

2007-12-31 23:15:33 · answer #2 · answered by plaindirt 2 · 1 0

There is one thing that I can say for sure about the future, and that is that no one really knows what will happen. What you said that your teacher says is her opinion. Whether any of it will really happen will only be known in the future. If you would like my opinion, keep reading. Women already serve in the military in combat areas. If the government starts drafting people again, I think that women will be included. I do not, however think that will happen. There is some war going on somewhere all the time, that will happen FOREVER, because people are stupid. I do not think there will ever be a World War 3, because all the big super powers have nuclear weapons and realize that World War 3 would have no winner. My advice to you is to do the best thing that you can do everyday. Live your life well and don't worry about what might happen in the future, except know that you can help make the future by the things that you do. Be concerned about that. Happy New Year!

2007-12-31 22:52:55 · answer #3 · answered by Marie in No Cal 2 · 0 0

I guarantee you that if the draft is ever brought back, they will draft men and women.

While currently, women can't serve in front line combat positions, they do everything else and will be drafted along with the men.

As for China.....that is simply her opinion. Personally, I think if the Arab countries ever call in their loans, we will be in big trouble. They own huge areas of the U.S. and we are hundreds of trillions of dollars in debt to them.

We can thank George Bush for that.

2007-12-31 22:33:20 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your mom is wrong about them not letting women into the war. Women are already in the war because they have won the right to be there. As they push and fight to be treated fully equal in the military, they will eventually be drafted. This is a fact and one you can research on the web. It was at one point unfair on the battle field. America was not ready to see their women sent home in bodybags. This has changed, it has happened and will continue. As for WWIII it will probably come. The U.S.A. Owes a lot of money (this is true) many countries are angry at us (this is true as well) we are divided as a nation on many important issues (this makes us weak). World powers still want additional power. Do we not go and fight for things that others never asked of us? Do we not push for change in countries that did not invite us to do so? With that being said, it seems simple in theory that if we can do, will do, have done it, and are going to do it, what will stop someone else from doing it TO US? Don't be scared, just be prepared, find out where you stand, stay involved, and perhaps it will not come to pass any time soon.

2007-12-31 22:31:09 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What you are saying your teacher said is pretty broad. My first question would be what is the grade level of the students being addressed? As for the veracity of your teachers remarks regarding the possibility of a third world war in ten to fifteen years, I think she missed the mark. I think a third world war over such essentials as oil and water will probably erupt within ten years. A lot of people in the scientific community believe 25% of Asia and perhaps more will be out of potable, drinkable, water within three to five years. As our natural resources diminish and as our climate continues to to be damaged the chances increase for a world wide conflict. In addition, my own personal take on the world situation is that we are in a situation similar to that which led to the first and second world wars. That is, even the smallest communities are seeking autonomy and the danger of dictatorships to quell the masses is more and more evident on our planet. Currently, most of the problems appear to be centered in the Middle East, but the conflict could easily spread throughout Asia and then to Africa and Latin America, where poverty continues to increase. Not a pleasant picture and one that the politicians and their boosters in business are trying to downplay. In short, we are in a heap of trouble and the trouble will only increase.

2007-12-31 22:30:49 · answer #6 · answered by Newmedicine 3 · 0 0

naww this wont happen just because people are less caring. not for a while at least. China won't take over the US because our economy and stuff will totally fall apart as a result. hope this helpss

2007-12-31 22:26:13 · answer #7 · answered by confuzzled 1 · 0 0

While I do agree that it's probably not a "school board approved" lecture, that doesn't mean that everything she said was false.

We DO owe China kazoodles of money, which they COULD -- if they were so inclined -- "call in" anytime they wanted and in effect, semi-bankrupt the US. Also, the comments regarding people being "less caring", ungrateful and expecting things to just be given to them, well, those are pretty much reality as well, at least for a lot of people here.

I can't tell you what exactly the future holds for America, much less set a timetable for when things are going to happen. What I can tell you is that everything happens for a reason -- including what your teacher told you -- and if getting you to seriously consider what the future holds for you and what you can do for your future, the teacher's words were well worth the time, regardless of whether she was right or not.

Hope this helps!

In His service, and yours,

2007-12-31 22:24:37 · answer #8 · answered by .:WFJF:. Jason 1 · 0 0

Some of what your teacher said was just her interpretation of these times. But America has put its self in a bind with our trade agreements.

2007-12-31 22:20:45 · answer #9 · answered by BugYA 4 · 0 1

your teacher was probably really P. O'd. But I don't think it will be called a WW3. i think that the next major war will be in Israel because God said that when there is a war there, the Rapture will happen. (all nations will be at war, fires willl be amongst the earth, the stars will fall out of the sky, the moon will turn to blood) i do not know if there will be women fighting, but i know that the saved will go with God and the unsaved will be left on earth to endure the revelation of the earth and sent to the lake of fire

2007-12-31 22:20:16 · answer #10 · answered by Yellek 2 · 0 1