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I'm looking to buy a set of Buffet Greenline Tosca Clarinets, both a Bb and an A. I know that they're about $5,400-$6,000 each, but I wanted to know if anyone has heard of a discount if someone buys both at the same time. Thanks!

2007-12-31 13:57:44 · 3 answers · asked by John S 1 in Entertainment & Music Music Classical

3 answers

Are the prices you mention what your music store has told you, or is this word of mouth?
This is where the magic of being a customer comes in. If you're willing to travel moderately.
*Search the Buffet website for local dealers in your area and surrounding areas. Get the phone numbers for the store.
*Call each store and tell them what you're interested in. Since you already know what you want, you don't need to try anything out. Ask them what they will charge you for the clarinets individually, and, if you can purchase them as a set for a moderate discount. Tell them you're hunting around music stores to find the best deal for these clarinets. Some stores might be willing to match or go lower for your business. WRITE everything down! Don't agree to anything...yet. Ask if they're willing to offer package deals--for example, see if they'll throw in a double clarinet case and some cleaning accessories for a bargain. If you can buy a package deal of accessories and both clarinets, go for it!
*Compare the prices for each clarinet as offered by the store, and then compare if they offer a set discount. Many stores do! If this means buying each clarinet from different stores, so be it, if it saves you a couple hundred.

You might even shop around online for them. If you're set in stone buying them, some online stores offer good deals. Personally, I'd rather deal with a music store than online if I'm purchasing an instrument brand new. But, you might be different.

Good luck! Remember--make them WORK for your business. Tell them what you want and see how far they'll go to help you.

2007-12-31 16:56:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You're looking at about $11,500 for the pair and a double case if you negotiate. There's no discount buying them together from most shops but you may be able to get some extra services tossed in there for spending that sort of money.

Be sure to play more than a few to get the best of the lot; NEVER spend serious money on an instrument you haven't played first.

2008-01-02 04:26:38 · answer #2 · answered by CoachT 7 · 0 0

you're looking at approximately $eleven,500 for the pair and a double case in case you negotiate. there is no inexpensive procuring them on the comparable time from optimal shops yet you're arranged to get some extra suited centers tossed in there for spending that style of money. be advantageous to play extra suited than some to get the optimal of the lot; not in any appreciate spend extreme money on an device you have not finished first.

2016-11-27 02:16:11 · answer #3 · answered by Erika 4 · 0 0