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Please help me understand HOW to determine the answer to this quesiton:

A company employs a total of 527 people, and 47 of these people work in the operations department. What is the ratio that compares the number of people in the operations department to the total # of employees.

Instinct tells me it's 47:527 but I need to know why this is correct if it is. Thanks!

2007-12-31 13:10:48 · 3 answers · asked by fwerds 2 in Education & Reference Homework Help

3 answers

You are correct!

47 out of the total 527 employees work in operations, so the ratio is 47:527, or expressed as a fraction, 47/527.

It is correct because you are comparing a subset to a larger set, i.e. the operations workers to the total number of employees. When making such a comparison, the ratio can never be greater than 1:1 or 1/1, because a subset of a set can never be greater than the whole.

2007-12-31 13:26:50 · answer #1 · answered by MathBioMajor 7 · 0 0

i'm no longer so stable at explaining math... yet enable's placed it this way: ratio is a potential of showing the relationship between numbers. In Brad and Scott's case, the ratio 3:2 shows how a lot funds they have been given, or how a lot Brad have been given on the topic of Scott's. to appreciate how a lot each and every boy have been given, first get the sum of "3" and "2": 3 + 2 = 5 Then, from the equation above, you may say that: Brad have been given 3/5 of $60, jointly as Scott have been given 2/5 of $60. merely merely get "3" and "5" with the aid of fact the numerator, and "5", that's the entire of the two, with the aid of fact the denomitor. ultimately, multiply the fractions to $60 to get the definitely quantity of money each and every of them have been given: Brad 3/5 x 60 = 36 Scott 2/5 x 60 = 24 consequently: Brad has $36 and Scott has $24. to benefit in the journey that your computation is right, merely upload 36 and 24: 36 + 24 = 60

2016-10-10 18:28:12 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

47:527 is a faction mean 47 people out of 527 work in that department, you want ot find out for everyone 1 person who works in the opp.department how many others work in the company.
so, you need to devide 527 by 47, whihc is 11.213, so taht ratio is 1:11

i think xxxx

2007-12-31 13:25:01 · answer #3 · answered by rose_louise 1 · 0 1