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16 answers

I was soo nervous about going into labor, and the last two weeks when I hit 38 weeks were the longest weeks of my life (because I really wanted to baby to be here!). Well my water ended up breaking at 40wks5days, and I didnt even know I was in labor until my water broke. I had contractions but they werent painful, I could walk/talk through them and they never got regular enough to be 5mins apart. I was literally sleeping through the early laboring process, and then I woke up tossing and turning so I got up to sleep on the couch so I wouldnt disturb my hubby and when I got up my water broke. When I got to the hospital, I was already 8cm dilated! :)

My birth plan was I had ever intention of getting an epidural, I was all for the drugs to take away the "pain", but when I arrived at the hospital at 8cm, the nurse told me there was no way I'd have time for an epidural because I was having the baby within the hour. I was in labor for a little less then 1.5hrs before I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl Elizabeth Riley, 7lbs15oz.

Was it painful? Yes, and noone can say their labor isn't but it wasnt that bad, and I was even cutting jokes during my labor. About 15mins into pushing I remember asking the doc, cant we just cut her out? And of course, everyone started laughing, then 5mins later, she was out. :) You will do fine! The nurse and the doctor were awsome support as well as my husband. The doctor made sure I stayed "moist" down there while the head was crowning so I didnt rip or tear and I didnt even need stiches when I was done.

2007-12-31 12:11:27 · answer #1 · answered by Sharpie211 4 · 0 0

I was 10 days late, so the doctor made an appointment for me to be induced in the morning. I didn't like the idea of if, but thought the doctor knew best. It was not that bad at all. It took a while for me to start actually feeling the contractions even though the monitor showed that I was having them. She also had trouble breaking the water, I'm still not sure when it broke. After about an hour and a half of pain (honestly, it started out mild, and I only had about a half hour of severe contractions with a break between each one) they asked me if I was ready for the epidural which I had already planned on using. It took a while for my body to get numb, and one side of my body was more numb than the other for a while. After that, I couldn't really feel much of my lower body, which was a very strange sensation, but much better than the pain. I was able to relax for a few hours while my body and the pitocin did the work. I did throw up one or two times per hour which my husband had to bring me the pan since I was stuck in bed. I didn't start pushing till that evening when the doctor came back and they lowered the epidural enough so I could feel a bit to know when to push (epidurals can be adjusted to one's level of comfort). I pushed for 2.5 hours, it didn't seem that long, but it was. The best part was that they asked me if I wanted a mirror up so I could see what was going on. They angled a tall mirror across the room, and I was able to see when the baby's head got there and watch her pull the baby out. I did tear a bit, but didn't feel anything. I felt more pain after the birth than during, which was a bit of a surprise. They continued the pitocin to help the uterus go down to size so I actually felt contractions after baby was out when epidural was gone. Pain and soreness after having baby, but such a relief that it was all over and I could hold my baby. For me, it was a nice experience. It was nice to have my husband there, and my family in the waiting room if I needed them. I felt like I was in good hands and trusted that the doctor's knew what they were doing and I followed their instructions.

2016-05-28 07:32:37 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Some labors are hard some are easy just remember that after you go through it you have a beautiful baby. Just do the breathing and it is easy. Just pray that your baby doesn't decide half way through labor that they don't want to be born. Both of mine did and they had to induce. Ask for an epidural it makes it alot easier. You'll do fine. Good Luck.

2007-12-31 15:43:48 · answer #3 · answered by Mel M 3 · 0 0

I went for a regular check up at the doctor when we discovered I was dilated to a three. I didn't even know it, when they told me I needed to go to the hospital I almost went home, I wasn't in any pain. Got to the hospital, they induced me, very easy, no pain. They told me I could ask for an epidural anytime I start to feel pain, OK. I started cramping, (feels like a hard period cramp)and it had been a few hours, so I ask for the epidural. Felt nothing after that. My water broke. Nurse came in said start pushing, I did. Had my baby with my husband at my side. They put a large mirror behind the doctor so I was able to watch to entire delivery. The worse part for me was the fact I wasn't able to eat anything all day sense my doctor appointment was in the morning. Don't worry about it, you will be fine. The hospital is dedicated to making your delivery as easy and pain free as possible.


2007-12-31 12:11:17 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well I guess I will be the one to tell you about a c-section since that's what i had both times. first they put in a catheter which pinches but doesn't hurt, then they give you something that will stop you from getting sick from the Anastasia which taste NASTY! Then you go into the operating room, they will give you either an epidural or a spinal tap, which is a shot in the back between the disk in your spine. Then they lay you down and you feel numb, Than your doctor will come in and ask you if you can feel anything, they'll tie your arms down and put a curtain up so you don't see them cutting you, your partner will be with you then about 10 min they will take the baby out and hold him/her up for you too see, then they'll do what they do to take care of the baby, and then give him/her to your partner to hold well they check your uterus and take out the placenta, then they will close you up and bring you into the recovery room where you and your partner will sit with the baby for about 2 hours or until you can start moving your toes. (But for the baby being with you all that time depends on the hospital, with my 1st I saw him and then he went up to the nursery and I didn't get to see him for 2 hours. And with my 2nd, she was given to my hubby to hold like I explained above)

2007-12-31 12:06:32 · answer #5 · answered by Kellie R 4 · 0 0

Don't be scared hun. You will do just fine. Hmm lets see, my water broke on Jan 11 I went to the hospital and they prepped me up and got me comfortable. I had some staidol (makes you feek like you been drinking they told me) to ease the contractions. It worked for a while then got an epidural. I leaned on my hubby while they inserted it and didn't feel a thing. And never felt anymore contractions. Then 24 hrs passed and I was not dialating and no baby! So we decided on a cesarean, and baby was perfectly healthy. My recovery was not as bad as I had heard for c-sections. I didn't even need med like 2 days after he was born. The staples never hurt when they took them out and now I have a barely noticeable scar with a beautiful baby. Women been having babies for centuries and without drugs. We have the privilege of having them if needed. And you will do great! Good Luck.

2007-12-31 12:06:08 · answer #6 · answered by msdood1 4 · 0 0

very normal to be nervous ..........you will be fine....i was in labor with my 1st one for 4 hours...{lots of pain} but my 2nd one i was in labor for 24 mins with no pain.......so each preg. is diferent.......good luck to you...

2007-12-31 11:59:56 · answer #7 · answered by texhoney620 2 · 0 0

I had a natural birth with my son. I went in to get induced and was already 6cms- they gave me potossin - Cameron was born a healthy 8lbs14oz only 3 hours later!! It was pretty good, actually kind of looking forward to the birth of my next!

2007-12-31 11:58:19 · answer #8 · answered by Mommyof3 BGB 5 · 0 0

I had my daughter 4 days before I was due. She was and is beautiful. I'll leave out all the other stuff because you want it to be positive. Fortunately, you forget about the pain and all the other stuff and I'm proof because I'm 24 weeks pregnant with #2.

2007-12-31 11:58:03 · answer #9 · answered by Precious 7 · 0 0

DON'T BE SCARED THIS my first child i hope its your first because for mothers who have had children should already know the procedure. I am not scared just ready to get it over with 7 weeks to go.

2007-12-31 11:57:05 · answer #10 · answered by andreamcklvy 2 · 0 2