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My bestfriend had been planning a wedding for next year. He calls me today and tells me he just got back from city hall, they got married today for tax reasons. I've known him for many years, been through a lot together, but last 8 years or so we are not as close as we had been when we were younger. problem is, I can't stand his wife, she is disgusting, please just take my word for it. His family agrees with this and they do not support their relationship either. I honestly didn't beleive their relationship would last and really hoped an actual wedding wouldn't take place. I planned on sitting down with him and try to talk him out of it prior to the wedding to be honest.

I guess I need to give some background. She is unattractive and overweight. She is also a professional dominatrix, he is now her submissive and treats him as her slave. How he fell into this is beyond me. They both do drugs together. I could continue....

Should I just be silent or loudly protest?

2007-12-31 11:46:54 · 19 answers · asked by mpalmernyc 4 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

19 answers

You should be silent. It's done. Just meet him for a beer every now and then and be supportive of him. Be his friend. You don't have to hang with both of them.

2007-12-31 11:51:26 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

what's executed in darkness will continually be delivered to easy. yet what's executed in the previous continues to be in the previous. in case you probably did no longer question it once you had your doubts do no longer question it now. Your bestfriend merely had a to blame ethical experience and needed your forgiveness because of the fact he's merely that--your suitable buddy. You stated which you're thankfully married, your spouse is extremely being concerned and supportive so why could you're making issues complicated with a controversy that befell years in the past? Is it nicely worth loosing each little thing you have paintings so no longer easy to construct. merely like your suitable buddy advised you, your spouse will additionally permit you recognize. have faith God and have a forgiven coronary heart (even whilst it hurts and you would be BLESSED.)

2016-10-03 00:03:23 · answer #2 · answered by mccowen 4 · 0 0

What he has done is really none of your business nor his family's business. He married her-- not any of you. It is his choice. You need to just back down and stop. He didn't ask you to be with her.

2007-12-31 12:34:40 · answer #3 · answered by SWEETYPI 4 · 0 0

He made up his own mind some time ago to marry her, and he did, so let it go.
It's his life anyway.
If he wants to be dominated, that's on him.

Don't be a buzz kill and speak negatively about his wife.
Even though you find her to be all around unattractive, he didn't. Whether through wearing beer goggles or under the influence of narcotics.
It was his choice. Let it go.

2007-12-31 12:04:35 · answer #4 · answered by Ella 7 · 0 0

he moved on and if you are a true friend you will be happy and supportive of him if not get a life

2007-12-31 12:04:11 · answer #5 · answered by MEETOO 2 · 0 0

unattractive and over weight is not a reason for someone not to marry someone else if they love each other.

Having a dominatrix as his wife does not count either. It just means that it is his sexual preference

Having a drug problem in the relationship is major.
Let your friend know that you are worried that they do drugs and will not be part of the destructive process that they are going to put them self through.

then walk out and do not look back

2007-12-31 12:00:58 · answer #6 · answered by butterfly 3 · 0 0

Well it shouldn't matter that she's unattractive or overweight,but have you heard the saying "Bro's before Ho's"? Well thats just a saying trust me if you say something or bad mouth her to anyone she might know she'll make sure your friendship is over!

2007-12-31 11:56:02 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

it is not your place to have an opinion - it is his life he can live it how, and with whomever he so chooses.

2007-12-31 11:53:21 · answer #8 · answered by allrightythen 7 · 0 0

just be happy for your friend- you could mess your relationship up even more if you try to stop him from doing what he wants just be his support... good luck

2007-12-31 11:52:41 · answer #9 · answered by kmd110685 3 · 0 0

Find another friend. Your friend is lost in space, so let him enjoy his new lifeform (wife).

I just hope you don't dislike her because of her looks or weight! That would be beyond shallow of you.

2007-12-31 11:51:56 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0