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I was here last year before my account was rudely deleted, there wasn't half the amount of trolls and frauds there are now.

I think yahoo should think about making a new section for the Frauds & Trolls. They are complete losers.

It used to be full of people asking for genuine advise and having a little chat. Then the losers came. Everyone who was decent was deleted.
Now every second question is hurling abuse at bottle feeding mums, asking about smoking drugs in pregnancy, or idiots who lie about having multiple babies.

Anyone else sick of the lies and trolls???
Are there any survivors of 2006 early 2007??

Better yet, what is the worst thing you have ever read on here lately?

2007-12-31 11:46:16 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

11 answers

I have been with Y! a VERY long time. I was a user back in the day of the News Message Boards and that place too was filled with judgmental people and trolls. You have to sift through the crap to find the good stuff, and there is a lot here of both. There are people that you should take their advice with a grain of salt and those that you will respect even if you don't agree with the advice they give. It's up to you to determine who those people are.

I have read a lot of negative things in this category and I feel sorry for those that are so closed minded (there aren't that many of them really). But I have also read a lot of great stuff from users here. Just pick and choose for yourself.

2007-12-31 11:54:17 · answer #1 · answered by FaerieWhings 7 · 7 0

I'm confused about what the "trolls" means (I'm new to the site) but I do agree that people can be pretty viscious on here.
Already I've had people call me a bad mother and tell me that I don't love my children since I don't breastfeed and I'm not married even though I'm with the father of both of my children. The questions I asked had nothing to do with either but still I recieved emails telling me these things. Whats wrong with people? I came to this site to get advice and to help others but it seems like alot of people just like to bash others...

2007-12-31 20:44:30 · answer #2 · answered by Kari 2 · 0 0

This forum seems sooo much better than some parenting ones I've been on (CM anyone?). But it is annoying that people come through and ask pretend questions.

2007-12-31 13:22:36 · answer #3 · answered by manda 3 · 2 0

When I first was on here, I hung out mostly in the Politics section, makes sense because my major in college was Political Science. There were a few users over there that would ask a question, then report those who disagreed with them. I actually got a violation notice for saying I support the troops. *sigh* That profile was deleted back in July, and I started this one.

2007-12-31 12:39:22 · answer #4 · answered by .. 5 · 6 2

I've been around since mid-2006. I've seen some advances and some horrors. Way back there used to be tons of "take surveys and make millions" of postings. I haven't seen any of those in ages now. The frauds and trolls I've gotten pretty good at identifying. The whole Illyana (sp) debacle I've watched amused from the sidelines.

The worst things I've seen lately have been the rants. I think its good that people put a lot of thought into why they choose the parenting style that they do. Its something that should be done with a lot of thoughtfulness. But alternate choices to the ones you make aren't equal to the devil incarnate.

At this point in the game I just try to give complete, factually based answers.

2007-12-31 12:38:50 · answer #5 · answered by Heather Y 7 · 5 0

Yeah i am and some nasty stuff ive read was

1. My dad got me pregnant, i ate the embryo, now im pregnant again

2. How do i tell my gf i am having an affair with her 75 yr old g-ma...or should i ask her to join?

3. My son has 4 days left lo live, What do i do?

but the most annoying ones were about Jamie Lynn Spears. (who cares that shes pregnant)

i totally agree with you lol

2007-12-31 12:32:31 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

I think we are all sick of the lies and the trolls. But because of one main troll we have all became closer. There is always crazy questions on here. Mostly at night.

Happy New Year!!!

2007-12-31 12:09:17 · answer #7 · answered by Deborah P 5 · 5 1

well, the best thing i read was about a woman claiming to be a defence lawyer, a size 10.. ahem.. and she had prem triplets born at 22 wks!! they made a brief debut onto her 360 page.. til people caught on, then she removed them. I mean,.. 1 boy and 2 identical girls... so identical... the pics of the girls was one girl, taken in same frame, same cot, with same bed at the side of cot, within seconds of each other!! boy looked new born, girls, (or should i say, GIRL) looked a lot older
wow how remarkable, bet even spongebob square pants would not believe a situation like this.. i mean how comical is it??

love neno x

2007-12-31 12:06:42 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

That whole Illyana's mommy or whatever really bugged me! And I hate that people give thumbs down for NO reason! I am all for breast feeding too, but I supplemented with formula when I had my daughter and I'm not about to tell someone else that they are wrong for doing it! I can't believe how much this thing has gone downhill since even Sept! I hate the questions about animal babies and the absurd questions that don't make any sense. And also, does anyone know how to use spell check anymore? Geez!!!!

Kudos to all the REAL questions and REAL answers!!!

2007-12-31 12:05:02 · answer #9 · answered by Panda Mama 3 · 7 3

I so agree with you! It seems everyone is very angry all the time. A lot of the answers are given just to put another mother down. I just don't get it. Plus, when there ARE trolls in here, it almost seems like some enjoy the drama.
The worst thing I've read on here is just all the criticism. If you don't believe in something, then stay out of the darn question!! If you truly believe someone has the wrong information, then give it to them NICELY!
Some people need to relearn manners, starting with "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."
It's not that hard.

2007-12-31 12:04:11 · answer #10 · answered by linedancer563 6 · 6 0