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9 answers

Yes Sir there is :

1) Forget about Party, from now on we are all independent.
2) Dump all special interest, and Corps./ Elites sponsors.
3) Based on science and logic. do what is the best for majority.

Needs of many outweigh the needs of the few...or the one.!

Best Regards.

2007-12-31 14:39:59 · answer #1 · answered by iceman 7 · 2 0

We have to have the courage to vote them out if they don't work together. After and election the party should be secondary. Everything should be for the good of our country or out citizens. Not like we have been done for the last 7 years. Everyone but us Americans that was the motto of Bush and the corporations.

2007-12-31 21:53:08 · answer #2 · answered by margie s 4 · 0 0

As it stands... No. The current state of the Democrat party reflects an inundation with extremist neosocialist ideologies and an active saturation with naive, spoiled, elitist school children whose only goal is to "say no to what is"...whatever "it" is. They are uninformed, pampered delusional brats...no more, no less.

2007-12-31 20:48:23 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Probably not going to happen. Help is a funny term, for good or bad, a meeting in the middle is no victory for either side. The policy may be all good but in the end it is just a compromise. That is democracy!

2007-12-31 20:24:04 · answer #4 · answered by Pablo 6 · 0 0

Under present conditions: No.
The current state of rancor and partisanship started a long time ago, but it has dramatically increased over the last 15 years or so.
Clinton and his shady past, (whitewater and the womanizing) were known to GHW Bush.and all Bush did with the info. during his re-election was introduce the quasi-issue of "family values" into the 1992 campaign.
No one knew what that was all about till 6 years later when Ken Star and other Republican figures brought the Monica scandal to the forefront of their fight against the Democrats and try to discredit the Clinton Presidency....
Why is this so?
The dems have ever since retaliated in kind and far worse, trying anything, no matter how despicable, to insult the President and create scandal where there is none.

In this hyper-partisan atmosphere there is very little chance the Dem's and Republicans will be able to "get together" on much for the sake of the country.
Reid, Pelosi, Dodd, Kennedy, and a host of other leftists must be totally humiliated in the next election, and consequently gotten rid of or we face more of the same gridlock. These radical Dem's will not back down from their ideological agenda of non-cooperation with the right while they remain in the leadership positions they occupy today.

2007-12-31 20:22:42 · answer #5 · answered by ? 6 · 2 1

Bring back the idea of compromise and negotiation and get rid of the ideas of finger pointing and looking good in a prss release.

2007-12-31 20:17:20 · answer #6 · answered by Barry auh2o 7 · 1 0

Learn to work together for the good of the nation & not for their own good or play party politics! By doing as they have for the last 4 years, they have not done anything good for anyone but themselves. No matter which party your representative belongs to, they are to be considering the welfare of the nation, they haven't done this for some time, they play games with each other; one to dominate the other at the cost of our general welfare.

2007-12-31 20:01:46 · answer #7 · answered by geegee 6 · 1 0

No, they are all too interested in getting re elected, so they never solve any problems or agree on what is best.

2007-12-31 19:54:33 · answer #8 · answered by lestermount 7 · 1 0

Just take a quick look at the hate filled rants the 'dems' have on here tonight before you come up with an answer.

School vacations are way too long.

2007-12-31 19:51:45 · answer #9 · answered by Pancakes 7 · 2 1