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Why are there some people on the internet, and even on Youtube who said that Freddie Mercury was ugly? How can they say this?
What is a person supposed to look like? For myself I can't stand a plain face. And Freddie certainly did not have a plain face. Even with his overbite, you could not make him ugly.
He had the most beautiful soft eyes and perfect jawline. And his mouth was beautiful, yes even the overbite! In fact maybe I wouldn't even like his face as much without it. Because without the overbite his face would be almost too perfect and pretty boy looking. Well I say ALMOST because I don't think you can make him ugly.
So why do some people think it is okay to insult the way someone LOOKS, but think it very bad to insult a person's lifestyle? People are such hypocrits. I have seen a person insult somebody's looks, and then get very mad if you say something about a gay person's lifestyle. What kind of hypocrisy is this?
You can your change lifestyle but NOT your looks.

2007-12-31 11:22:24 · 36 answers · asked by monopolizer 1 in Entertainment & Music Celebrities

I already had about ten reply to this. They ALL gave insults about someone's looks. But if instead I had posted about Freddie's homosexual lifestyle and said it was WRONG and sickening, these same people would be jumping all over me and probably report my Question to TOS.
How sick and hypocritical is this?

2007-12-31 11:28:00 · update #1

To Killerqueen,
What year did you meet Freddie?
I was born in 1992, year after he died. So I didn't get to meet or see him live.

2007-12-31 23:40:14 · update #2

Killerqueen, don't be sorry that you shared it! I asked you. :)
I want to talk to everyone who met Freddie. He's so magical.

2008-01-02 15:52:19 · update #3

36 answers

I think FREDDIE was one of the most beautiful and exotic people that ever lived!. I never met the man, but I know people who did. One of those has already answered your question! Another is Jacky Smith, president of the International Fan Club. She knew FREDDIE always took great pride in his appearance....almost to the point of vanity. He was a sweet, thoughtful, loving and caring man who went over the top when it came to his friends and family. He also had another side that Jacky referred to as "cranky" or "crabby" (I can't remember which!) He was short on patience and tolerance. We all have our good points and our bad. Nobody is perfect! I think for a lot of people, his teeth was a turn off...but I'll tell you...when he sang and moved around on stage and reached a whole audience his teethe were the furthest thing from your mind! He was gorgeous!...and will stay forever in my heart! If you haven't visited my 360 page, please do so. You will find lots of people who love FREDDIE! Also...you can email me if you like. I'll tell you about the US QUEEN Conventions!

Edit: Newsflash!...There are more than one person that goes by the name "Killerqueen". I happen to know 2 of them personally. Okey dokey? Also, QUEEN didn't release their first album until 1973...July in the UK...Sept. in the US. {Email me...I'll hook you up with some people who know more about QUEEN than they probably do themselves. I just met Jacky once and talked with her once. These people know her.}

2008-01-01 02:35:53 · answer #1 · answered by Cool Cat loves Mr. Bad Guy 6 · 6 0

Honestly, I have trouble believing that. Brian is such a nice guy, and I've never heard him say anything mean about any of his bandmates or people related to Queen. When he does say something mean, he certainly doesn't use such rude words, he's always mature and tells it like it is, but not rude. Never rude. Besides, Freddie wasn't short, ugly and weak. He was 5 ' 8", which may be considered somewhat short, but I think it's about average. And I mean, I can understand how that'd be short to Brian's 6' 3", but still, Freddie wasn't short. He certainly wasn't ugly. Freddie looked exotic and many people (including myself) think that he looked beautiful. Besides, why would Brian bring looks into it? Brian was gorgeous. Freddie was beautiful. Who cares? I don't know about strength. But I'm pretty sure that Freddie was more muscular than Brian. Brian was always so thin (not in a bad way, it looked good) and he didn't look particularly strong. And if Brian did, in fact, say this, I doubt it was because Freddie was bisexual (not gay).If Brian had a problem with gays, would he be in a band with a Bisexual for 19 years? They were good friends, and everybody in the band took Freddie's death hard, you can see it in interviews and the way they talk about it. Brian isn't excluded in this. I saw an interview where both Brian and Roger looked like they were about to cry talking about it, they were both really detached. Therefore, if Brian and Freddie were as good friends as they seemed to be (which I'm sure they were, as they were in the same band for 19 years and knew each other for about 21 years), then Brian most definitely did not have a problem with gays. All in all: I really doubt Brian said this. He's a gentleman, and I doubt he was that jealous of Freddie. Brian is still a wonderful guitar player with a gorgeous voice and yes, he'll always have to answer questions about Freddie, but he has a huge fan base of his own. Brian has always been very down to earth, he doesn't seem the type at all to let ego get in the way. P.S. Sorry about the long answer, but I feel strongly about anything regarding Queen, =]

2016-04-02 05:15:48 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He's absolutely stunning! Stereotypical beauty is boring, it's refreshing to see someone with such a fresh look and confidence and personality. He has beautiful eyes, adorable dimples, nice profile and a great body too! People who don't know the real Freddie and haven't seen the way he is in interviews and onstage are the ones who think he's ugly, and some might just not be attracted to him because he's not their type. Everyone has their opinions but he is definitely NOT hideous. Also whoever doesn't know who Freddie Mercury is..all I can say is please please come out of your box he was the greatest legend to ever live.

2015-12-14 14:11:23 · answer #3 · answered by Rachel 1 · 1 0

I was lucky enough to meet Freddie once. Believe me he was not ugly at all! Plus he was such a lovely person ,that for me was the most handsome man I've ever seen.
I met him in 1986. I/m a Queen fan since 1980. And dear Alexis I was born in1965. You don't know me and you probably confuse me with someone else. And really I don't care who believes me or not. It was an experience, no one can take away from me. I'm just sorry I've shared it .

2007-12-31 23:31:53 · answer #4 · answered by killerqueen 4 · 6 1

Calm down,
If you like the way that he looked that's all that count's, right
I don't care one way or the other.

2007-12-31 11:28:11 · answer #5 · answered by goalaska 4 · 3 0

I for one love Freddie Mercury.. I think he was one of the most interesting looking men ever.. I loved his voice and his face. As a matter of fact I've been obsessed with Freddie since the first day i watched him. Only one in a life time is Mr. Mercury.
You'll find it hard to find anyone who doesn't love him, gay, overbite and all. Glad to see someone other than myself asking questions about Freddie.. RIP my angel. Freddie was Flamboyant, wonderfully crazy. He was gay, and that's ok. I know he was a casualty of aids because little was known at that time of the disease!. But his voice was addictive. Why concern yourself with those who would be so stupid as to say he was ugly? Just sit back and look at him, watch you tube and listen to his voice, watch him prance across the stage, and say f off to those simple minded assholes who have negative things to say about Freddie Mercury..

To add more go to you tube, and watch the, untold story of Freddie Mercury. Also the Wonder years.. Queen with FM was one or, if not the best rock band in the history of music. I feel that Freddie Mercury was a universal gift from God ..I've been a loyal fan Of Freddie Mercury since 1970. I hate to tell on "Killerqueen" but i know for a fact she's never met FM! I go to all the Queen websites and all the websites of FM and Killerqueen, . Sorry but Killerqueen never met Freddie cause she was not even born when fm died.,

2007-12-31 11:27:45 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 8 0

At the end of the day some people cant see the wood for the trees or in this case the look of a tree. He was a brilliant musical genius. If you look into his life story Freddie was always coming across ridicule even as a young indian boy in a posh school.

2007-12-31 11:27:41 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

If what makes people attractive is self-confidence..then he certainly had an overabundance of that...

2007-12-31 11:26:14 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

they say he is ugly cause h is gay

2007-12-31 11:25:11 · answer #9 · answered by john travolta 3 · 1 13

they are not attracted to him

2007-12-31 11:24:56 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 8