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Im 16 years old living with my mom and dad. My boyfriend is 17. We have been daiting for three years. Were both very responsible. But No im not a virgin. I am on the pill. I sleep at my boyfriends house allot and his parents are fine with it and they both treat me like im there daughter. There so nice. His family is like my family now. My mom wont let him in my room. We were watching a movie one night in the entertainment room down stairs and we were on the couch cuddeling with a blanket over us. And They both freaked. Like Am I doing something wrong? Why isnt he allowed to sleep at my house? What do I say to my parents? They both treat me like a baby and dont trust me?

2007-12-31 11:01:50 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Women's Health


2007-12-31 11:12:18 · update #1

My parents arent married..

2007-12-31 11:12:41 · update #2

18 answers

You're their daughter, they are your parents, and whether they like it or not, they KNOW you're having sex. Chances are however that they were VERY blunt at one point or another about intimacy under their roof, and until you're 18 and are on your own, you had better live up to their expectations...or they will continue to freak. So no closeness, no sex in your parent's house, no closed doors, and respect their wishes. And stop acting like a spoiled brat....chances are your attitude is adding to the problem along with their perspective (which you MUST abide by as long as you live there).

Oh, and learn how to spell. If your spelling is any indicator of your maturity level, no wonder they don't trust you.

2007-12-31 11:14:24 · answer #1 · answered by Brutally Honest 7 · 1 3

Their home, their rules.

Sorry. You'll have to deal with taking it easy on the PDA's and stuff while in your home.

Have you TALKED with your parents?

You might want to take it easy when your b/f turns 18, your parents could turn him in for statutory rape. If your state's age of consent is 16, you both are free and in the clear. However if the age of consent is 17 or 18, you may be SOL especially if your parents don't like him.

2008-01-01 08:40:51 · answer #2 · answered by Terri 7 · 0 0

That is completely ridiculous. It would be like complaining because your parents wouldn't let you smoke pot in the house. It's illegal plain and simple. They have already let you sleep at your boyfriends house, shouldn't you just be glad they let you do that? That is pretty forward thinking on their part. You should respect their house and their rules.

2008-01-01 01:46:34 · answer #3 · answered by Gwendalin 1 · 0 1

Well, you are sixteen and so long as you live under their roof you're subject to their rules. It might not be fair to you but its the only option that you have as you're in no legal position to make any sort of other decision.
I don't see you should complain as they do let you stay over at his house. I suppose they see that as enough in their eyes. Take what you can have for now and find a way to make it work. I know my parents wouldn't have been thrilled with my boyfriend staying over at my house or vise versa when I was 16. I doubt they'd have a much more positive attitude about it now, though I am an adult.
But you have to look at how society is these days. Teen pregnancy rates are climbing and you yourself admitted you're not a virgin. Obviously you're sexually active and your parents are not trying to encourage that under their roof. And like it or not, its within their rights to do so.

2007-12-31 19:36:53 · answer #4 · answered by eclipsedinuyasha 2 · 1 2

Because you're a girl and no one wants some other families dan coming in and impregnating their daughter but if it's their son going off and impregnating some other families daughter than it's all good.

2007-12-31 19:34:38 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

You're only sixteen years old. LIke it or not, you aren't ready or mature enough to make sensible long term decisions. You might think you are, but you aren't.

I am glad you have been with the same person for three years. Your parents just want to protect you. You're lucky they let your boyfriend into their house, because it is their house, and as your parents, they need to have some degree of control over what happens to you.

As for the cuddling under the blanket, I don't think that would have done a lot for your parent's confidence in your maturity.

Your parents are just trying to look out for you. They have your best interests at heart, and don't want an early, unexpected grandchild, or to see you suffering because of your actions.

My parter (I am not married) and I have been together 5 years. We're in our mid twenties. When we stay at MY parent's house, he sleeps in the spare room and I sleep in my room. It might not be that they don't trust you, it's just that in their house, things are done a certain way.

When you are older and have kids, I am sure you will understand your parent's desire to protect you. You might not think there's much to be protected from, but they're older and more experienced, and don't want to see you get hurt. It's not that they don't like your boyfriend -- they probably like him a lot -- but it's there house and those are the rules, and there is nothing you can do to change it.

My advice: If you really are in love with your boyfriend, and it is a long term thing, wait til you're eighteen, then move out and get your own place. Then your boyfriend can stay over whenever he likes -- because it's your place, not your parents.

2007-12-31 19:22:11 · answer #6 · answered by Goonhilda 6 · 2 2

Bottom line, when you are in someone else's home, you follow their rules. Make sense or no. You could try to talk to them, but don't get your hopes up.

2007-12-31 19:22:06 · answer #7 · answered by Linda B 6 · 2 2

Sorry to say but this is a normal reaction for parents. Your only 16, and that's still an age where you parents have control over you. Plus, if you go to his house to sleepover then that should be enough.

2007-12-31 19:17:38 · answer #8 · answered by Jen S. 1 · 1 2

Call me old-fashioned but I think your parents are correct in not allowing your boyfriend to sleep with you at their house. If his parents are so open that they allow it, does not mean that your parents should lower their moral values and allow the same. You are both underage. In fact, you are both being disrespectful when you expect your parents to condone this behavior. When you reach legal age and have your own house, then you can openly sleep together. In the meantime, show some respect for your parents.

2007-12-31 19:16:45 · answer #9 · answered by bombastic 6 · 2 2

You are still a minor in the eyes of the law and when he turns 18 he will be considered an adult and if you continue to have sex with him at that point your parents are perfectly within their Rights to get him for statutory rape. People can still get pregnant on the pill, I know a lady who brought both her kids to my daycare, both conceived while she was on the pill, it is not 100% eaffective. They freaked out because they probably know you are having sex and do not approve but they can stop it in their own home, His parents may seem cool to you but they are not being very responsible, if you guys love each other so much, than he and you will both respect you parents wishes. You are only 16. That is not an adult yet. Who will raise the child if you DO get pregnant? Will you finish school? How? I am the parent of a 16 yr old girl so that is why I sound like one and I will tell you what I tell her. You will understand best when you have a child of your own.

2007-12-31 19:13:01 · answer #10 · answered by 'lil peanut 6 · 0 3