Beating Megatron:
Megatron will take to the air and bomb the park where the battle takes place habitually. This is really the only time in the game where blocking is mandatory, because if you don't block when he drops his bombs and missiles, you'll be dead before you even get to fight him at all. Don't shoot at him, don't do anything, just hold down the block button every time he flies overhead, and wait for him to land. Then, he'll engage you in battle in three ways. He may run at you, stop, and run at you again. He may use a flamethrower attack. Or he may do a fierce melee attack.
No matter which attack he uses, you'll need to throw something at him (likely a tree, since you're in a park) to knock him out of his attack mode. Then, he'll attack you with traditional melee attacks. You should counter with the same, keeping in mind that he's not as difficult as he might appear. When he's taken enough damage, he'll fly off and bomb the area again (so block), and then land once more with one of his random attacks. Throw a tree at him, and then knock him around. Rinse, lather, repeat. When he's taken enough damage, Megatron will be no more, and for the time being, Earth will be safe from the Decepticons.
2007-12-31 19:16:06
answer #2
answered by Phade3 7
"Megatron must be stopped, at all costs."
Megatron had earlier destroyed Bumblebee. You need to fight him in
this final battle. This is a multiple-phase fight, but it isn't the
most difficult in the game. In fact, I'd rate this 2/5 in terms of
He'll first do some fly-by attacks. Take note of his flying pattern,
and just hide in one of the streets not covered by his flight path,
and you won't be hurt at all. While doing this, you may want to pick
an object up in preparation to throw at Megatron. I'd recommend a
lamp post since you can hold it in one hand, so it won't affect your
Soon, he transforms and lands. He'll then do a bulldozer attack on
you. Like the previous bulldozer drone, run away as he does that to
avoid being hit. Then, turn and face Megatron. Once his attack stops,
he'll stand still and look around.
Throw the lamp post at him, and his bulldozing attacks end. You can
now see his health bar on the right of the HUD. Get close and use
melee attacks on him. Check out that sword! I'm impressed, but I'd
prefer Prime to use that G1 axe thing, you know.
After you tear down all his health, Megatron will transform and fly
off again. Again, hide in a street that's not covered by his flight
patterns. He'll soon transform and return to ground level.
This time, he does a swinging attack with his G1 ball-and-chain! Wow!
Looks awesome! Too bad it's easily countered with a toss of a tree
or something. Get close next and melee him again until he transforms
and flies off.
More fly-bys, more hiding in streets, and then he returns. This time,
he does that Starscream fire streams thing. Yawn. Lamp post/ car/ tree
him, and then melee him again.
Yet more fly-bys and hiding, and he returns for a final time. This
time round, he does all his previous three attacks. Firstly, the bull-
doze. Secondly, the ball-and-chain swing. Thirdly, the fire streams.
Each time you throw something at him, he switches to the next attack.
Once you stop his fire streams, he's up for the kill. Do your final
melee attacks on him until he expires.
One point to note though. While I was replaying this battle, Megatron
found himself stuck while landing onto a statue in town. I had to jump
and punch him out from his embarrassment. I should've youtube that one.
It was quite hilarious, but if you happen to get it, just know what to
At the end of the day, one has stood, and one has fallen. All hail
Optimus Prime!
2007-12-31 19:07:12
answer #3
answered by AdrianPsy 2