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Im new to e-bay and i thought it would be fun to begin biding on items. So it turns out i am the highest bidder on two items and i am no longer willing to purchase them! Is there any way I can cancel my bids? Or will I be forced to purchase the items? I hope not. Will they ship them to my house and then be forced to pay? HELP
Please HELP THANKS!@!!!!!!!

2007-12-31 10:45:38 · 20 answers · asked by infiniti 2 in Computers & Internet Internet Other - Internet

20 answers

I never have but I think you may be able to retract your bid. They won't ship it to you until you pay and if you win the bid and don't pay they will probably leave you negative feedback so if you don't want it I would go ahead and click contact seller and tell them you are no longer interested. Good Luck from an EBay fanatic.

2007-12-31 10:51:33 · answer #1 · answered by ArkyGirl 3 · 0 0

You entered into a Contract by bidding. However, if you fail to pay they should not ship. Then you will likely be banned from further bidding, as you have demonstrated your willingness to breach the Contract. Please stay off of EBay unless you are serious, you have already cost 2 sellers time and possibly money. I`lost $40. on an item I had to re-list after non-payment.

2007-12-31 10:56:46 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You are building bad Karma. Don't bid on stuff you don't want to buy and don't bid more than you are willing to pay.

2007-12-31 10:54:53 · answer #3 · answered by don_sv_az 7 · 1 0

No they will not ship them until you pay for them, but it will be a strike against you , unless you can contact the seller and make arrangements not to have a grievance filed against you, I believe 3 strikes and you are booted off ebay. When you click "submit bid" it is a contract to buy the item if you are the highest bidder...Be more careful next time. Good luck!

2007-12-31 10:53:10 · answer #4 · answered by Matt D 4 · 1 0

Ebay purchases are considered to be legal contracts. How would you like to be on the other end and be the person who was selling these items? Maybe you can contact the sellers and tell them your situation. They may ask you to be their listing fee and then they will relist the items. I hope this isn't an expensive lesson for you to learn.

2007-12-31 10:52:26 · answer #5 · answered by lawlady 2 · 1 0

You have to buy them. They will not ship them to you. Rather, they will require that you pay before they will ship them to you. The people trying to sell the items will give you negative feedback and since you are new to ebay you will probably have your account blocked.
Ebay is a not a toy to to play with because it would be fun. Stop wasting your time and that of the sellers.

2007-12-31 10:51:32 · answer #6 · answered by EJ 5 · 1 0

There is a button or such to click on that will allow you to cancel the bargaining purchase. It requires that you have a good reason for cancelling. On the other hand, and oftentimes, someone who wants the item bad enough will outbid you the last 30 seconds of bidding (but don't count on this).

2007-12-31 10:50:49 · answer #7 · answered by guy 4 · 1 0

First off ebay is no place to have fun. It's a form of business. You can't cancel, they will report you and open a dispute. Depending on the dispute is how it will be resolved. You may be forced to pay, depending on the seller.

2007-12-31 10:50:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You will have to pay for the item before they ship it. You can try to retract your bid, but that depends on how much time is left in the auction. Search on ebay for "retract bid" and it will walk you through the steps and the rules for doing so. Most people bid in the last hour or so, therefore it is fairly likely that you will be outbid unless your max bid was high. If you win and do not pay you will most likely have your account suspended on ebay.

2007-12-31 10:50:19 · answer #9 · answered by truhavoc_69 2 · 0 0

Read this from eBay pages regarding bid retraction

Can I retract or cancel my bid?

A bid may be retracted (canceled) by the buyer in some cases if the retraction meets the requirements of our Bid Retraction policy.

Note: There is no equivalent for bid retraction in Buy It Now listings, or for listings where the bidding has ended. Once you've confirmed your purchase, you are obligated to pay the seller. There is also no equivalent for bid retraction for item listings using the Best Offer feature.

Whether you can retract your bid or not depends on the following factors:

Why you are retracting your bid;

When your bid was placed and when the listing ends.

You can retract a bid or a Best Offer for the following reasons:

You make a typographical error and enter the wrong bid amount. For instance, you bid $99.50 instead of $9.95. If this occurs, enter the correct bid amount immediately after you retract your bid. If you do not place another bid, the retraction will be in violation of eBay's policy and could result in your suspension. Please review the retraction guidelines if you need to retract your bid.

The description of an item you have bid on changed significantly after you placed your bid.

You cannot contact the seller. This means that you tried to call the seller, but his or her phone number doesn't work, or that you have tried emailing a message to the seller and it comes back undeliverable.

When your bid was placed
What is allowed
What is not allowed

More than 12 hours before the listing ends
You can retract the bid with more than 12 hours left before the listing ends. When you do this, all your previous other bids will also be eliminated. So be sure to bid again if you are correcting a bidding error that you made.
You cannot retract the bid during the last 12 hours of the listing, unless the seller agrees.

Please contact the seller to request that your bid be canceled. However, it is up to the seller's discretion whether or not to cancel your bid.

Less than 12 hours before the listing ends
You can retract the bid within one hour of placing it. In this case, only that bid will be retracted; any other bid you placed before the last 12 hours of the listing remains valid.

Restriction: Your total number of bid retractions in the past six months is displayed in your Feedback Profile. eBay will thoroughly investigate bid retractions. Abuse of this feature may result in the suspension of your account. Bids retracted within the last 24 hours of listing may be viewed as bid shielding, which is a serious violation of our policy.

Note: If you retract a bid on an active item that is in a Bid Assistant group, the entire group will be closed. No other bids will be placed on items in the group.

To retract a bid, use the Bid Retraction form.

2007-12-31 10:50:11 · answer #10 · answered by Angel2000 4 · 1 0