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2007-12-31 10:31:19 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Alternative Medicine

27 answers

pass wind

2007-12-31 10:33:35 · answer #1 · answered by ησяєєη 3 · 2 2

If the stomach ache is from upset stomach - ginger. We take it in the form of tea - using the cooking spice. A bout 1/4 tsp of ground ginger in a cup of hot water with honey.

Sometimes stomach aches for my daughter are caused by eating too infrequently. Try eating a small, gentle meal.

If it is cramping, then you will want to take in some water to help get things moving. We find that laying face down on a bed with our knees under our chest usually alleviates cramping, and will help it stay away.

Other than that, for tummy aches, mineral water (put some 100% juice in it) works well. Make sure it is quality mineral water, not low mineral content. We use Apollinaris (spelling?)

2007-12-31 10:43:34 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

First it would be important to determine the cause of the stomach aches. I would recommend that you see your doctor to eliminate the possibility of any serious medical issues. Then I would keep a journal of what you eat, how you sleep, what is happening in your life, your emotions, your menstrual cycle and your stomach aches to see if you can make a connection to the source of your stomach aches. It may be that you need to make some diet and lifestyle changes if you find that you can pin point your stomach aches to something specific. That being said, some remedies that can soothe the stomach in the absence of serious medical problems or food allergies are chamomile tea, peppermint tea, ginger or ginger tea, slippery elm tea.

2016-03-16 22:37:54 · answer #3 · answered by Mary 4 · 0 0

Well, it depends on what kind of stomach ache you have, but there are a couple things that will really help:

Mint or Peppermint will fix an ailing tummy.

Ginger - thats why people drink ginger ale.

If I think of any more, I will let you know.

2007-12-31 10:35:11 · answer #4 · answered by Rebecca 7 · 3 0

About a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with a glass of water. This remedy helps for a lot of things, stomach aches, greasy food digestions, etc.

2007-12-31 10:34:32 · answer #5 · answered by ~GlammaGurl~ 2 · 4 0

Coke, and Vernors have a calming agent in them that a lot of times helps with upset stomach. Also, alka seltzer has always helped my stomach feel better..

2007-12-31 10:35:11 · answer #6 · answered by natasha s 3 · 2 0

Curl up in a ball
It relaxes your body
Your body will get rid of the waste the natural way im not going to expand on that

2007-12-31 10:34:24 · answer #7 · answered by Kevin T 2 · 4 0

I have a herbal remedy book and it says that licorice is good for stomach aches

2007-12-31 10:35:40 · answer #8 · answered by There's Art In Everything 4 · 4 0

Peppermint tea will soothe an upset stomach. It is even better with a teaspoon of honey. Hope you feel better.

2007-12-31 11:48:41 · answer #9 · answered by Heidi 2 · 2 0

Peppermint leaves or Peppermint Essential Oil

2007-12-31 10:34:24 · answer #10 · answered by Kevin M 3 · 3 0

mints or gingerale, it'll help you to relieve gas
the mints soothe (altoids) not the other mints there's too much sugar

I'm trying not to be gross but it does

or sip, not drink! a mix baking soda and warm water, but be careful too much baking soda can make you throw up, the up side is you'll feel better the downside is the throwing up

stay away from sugar and cold water, the cold water can upset your stomach and you guessed it make you throw up

ginger works too, but lol, it's nasty (imo anyway)

2007-12-31 10:35:41 · answer #11 · answered by ? 3 · 3 0