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Other than humans, that is.

2007-12-31 10:00:21 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

27 answers

yes in at least a hundred other animal species.......the animals have complete homosexual tendencies, and they even have sex in the same way that homosexual humans do..........

the homosexual animals will not have any sexual contact with the opposite sex whatsoever, even when they are in heat...

homosexual animal couples will also adopt an orphan young that is occasionally left behind by biological parents and raise it as their own child, the same practice of many human homosexual couples..........

the thing about these animals is that they dont only get together for a brief sexual encounter either, homosexual animal couples have been together for several years....showing as much love, care and commitment for each other as heterosexual animal couples do..............

so those who say that homosexuality is unnatural are exposing their lack of knowledge.......

many will argue that homosexuality in animals does not mean its natural for humans to be homosexual............

however we must consider the fact that homosexual humans and homosexual animals have every sign of affection for their partner in common.....indicating that yes, animal homosexualoty is a correlation of human homosexuality....

2007-12-31 10:16:22 · answer #1 · answered by James Boroznoff 2 · 3 0

Yes gay, lesbian and even transsexual - nature is hugely diverse - read Joan Roughgarden's Evolution Rainbow for more information - and forget all that obsessive stuff the religious freaks spout about "normal" behaviour - sexual activity is naturally pleasurable (presumably therefore part of God's masterplan) to encourage us to participate and animals are just as likely to have sex for pure pleasure as humans - which is why your dog humps your leg.

2007-12-31 10:40:33 · answer #2 · answered by Richelle 2 · 2 0

Over 1,500 different animal species practice homosexuality.

9 out of 10 giraffe pairings occur between males, male bottlenose dolphins go through periods of being exclusively homosexual, female macaques form intense bonds with each other and are serially monogamous, & almost a quarter of black swan families are parented by homosexual couples.

There are even pairs of penguins that are gay at New York City's Central Park Zoo, the New York Aquarium, and Bremerhaven's Zoo in Germany.

2007-12-31 10:09:50 · answer #3 · answered by χριστοφορος ▽ 7 · 5 0

no at all

2007-12-31 10:08:46 · answer #4 · answered by samy n 6 · 1 2

No, I can't stand that some people in science and many others will answer yes to this question. You have to have the mental capacity understand what homosexuality is and what gender is in order to be a homosexual. I think animals have an instanct of what to do, just not on who to do it on. There is a difference between confusion and a choice to do it with the same gender of a species. ....Adding to this, as the poster said with a dog humping his leg? ..Is this just a dog then with a fetish for legs? ...i don't think so. Don't be silly people...

2007-12-31 10:06:17 · answer #5 · answered by Billy B 2 · 0 8

No, it's just a fad that humans made up for their own inadequacies with people of the opposite sex.

2007-12-31 10:05:25 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 8

Yes... though they get much less abuse because of it.

2007-12-31 10:03:55 · answer #7 · answered by xyxoxy 5 · 5 0

no, not that i seen or heard of before

2007-12-31 10:03:45 · answer #8 · answered by straight_up 5 · 0 5

yes i seen a documentary on the discovery channel once

2007-12-31 10:03:42 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Once I read this article online about scientists who discovered dolphins that were "engaging in homosexual activity." yeah I got a kick out of that one, but sure I don't see why not.

2007-12-31 10:03:37 · answer #10 · answered by Miss BANANA SPLIT ♥ 5 · 1 0