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4 answers

For a biography of only 100 pages, you're going to need someone who had a relatively short life.

or, you could do a "graphic biography", such as this one:

Ronald Reagan: A Graphic Biography

Ronald Reagan: A Graphic Biography (Hardcover)
by Andrew Helfer (Author), Steve Buccellato (Illustrator), Joe Staton (Illustrator)
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but if that's not appropriate, there's this:

It's 118 pages long.

Bone Detective: The Story of Forensic Anthropologist Diane France more books like this
by Lorraine Jean Hopping
- Includes basic information about bone identification. - Perfect combination of biography (100+ pages) and science. - Written in an engaging, easy-to-read style. - All bio subjects are contemporary and active in their fields. - An advisory board of prominent scientists, including Rita R. Colwell, former director of the National Science Foundation ...
see all copies from $2.38!
new only from $5.44!

2007-12-31 09:59:02 · answer #1 · answered by johnslat 7 · 0 0

At 128 pages (including bibliography and footnotes), "Ibn al-Haytham: First Scientist" tells the fascinating, true story of a medieval Muslim scholar who overcame bouts of mental illness to develop the scientific method two hundred years before the Europeans learned of it—by reading his books. It was just chosen by California Readers to be part of the 2008 California Collection. You can find reviews of the book and a sample chapter at http://www.ibnalhaytham.net/ If you order from that website, the author will sign the book and inscribe it to whomever you wish.

2008-01-02 01:38:00 · answer #2 · answered by Centaur 6 · 0 0

Behind Rebel Lines: The Amazing Story of Emma Edmonds, Civil War Spy Seymour Reit 114 pages.This is the best read.

Out of Darkness, the Story of Louise Braille, Russell Freedman 81 pages

Ordinary Genius, the Story of Albert Einstein, Stephanie McPerson 95 pgs.

Phineas Gage: A Gruesome but true story about Brain science, 86 pgs.
Paul Fleischman

2007-12-31 19:41:44 · answer #3 · answered by RobReads 5 · 0 0

There is a good autobiography that is 160 pages: Out of the Depths by John Newton. This is the story of the man who went from being the captain of a slave ship (a horrible man) to the repentant man who wrote the hymn Amazing Grace.

David R. Collins wrote some biographies that are short and very interesting. For instance:
-Johnny Appleseed: God's Faithful Planter, John Chapman (148 pages)
-Francis Scott Key (114 pages)
-Florence Nightingale: Gods Servant at the Battlefield (151 pages)
-Casimir Pulaski: Soldier on Horseback (104 pages)
-Noah Webster: Master of Words (150 pages)
-Isaac Newton: Inventor, Scientist, and Teacher (144 pages)
-Washington Irving: Storyteller for a New Nation (112 pages)

There are many more biographies about other great men and women, but hopefully this will help you.

2007-12-31 18:29:27 · answer #4 · answered by ck1 7 · 0 0