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What do you think of there website


2007-12-31 09:32:34 · 2 answers · asked by Aah-Bisto 2 in Business & Finance Corporations

2 answers

not very good.
Not very good. Bad, in fact. Sorry...
Here is why (constructive criticisms).
- A website MUST be tested on all the major browsers:
IE7:21.0% users, IE6:34.5%, IE5:1.5%, FF:36%, Moz:1.3%, Opera:1.6%...
Yours does not work on FF (Firefox), nor on Moz (Netscape), nor on Opera.
- Divisions overlap for no reasons and are not aligned (probably designed with an editor, such as Dreamweaver: WRONG WAY: use NOTEPAD!)
- Images do not load properly on most browsers.
- You are using frames: WRONG. Use Divisions all the way.
- Your header does not have any of the required tags (7 tags are missing). Go to www.skytargets.com, web designs, use the free meta tag analyzer.
- Design is made for one resolution only: less than 1024px will cause horizontal scroll.
- Design of margins is fixed and does not adapt to screen resolution.
- You do not offer on-line ordering with credit card payment facilities (you will NOT get clients). Suggest you use at least PayPal.
- As the site is framed, it cannot pass the w3c validation (bad for business).
- Finally, it is not a proper domain name: you are the sub-domain of "itfc dot 50webs dot com": extremely BAD commercially!

No comments on the "artistic" design, but looks cheap and amateurish.

Really sorry.
Happy new year, anyway...

2007-12-31 22:55:40 · answer #1 · answered by just "JR" 7 · 0 0

This is the first time I heard about this company.

I visited the website - I think the graphics is crude and unappealing.

Happy Holidays !

2007-12-31 22:21:12 · answer #2 · answered by Great Days 6 · 0 1