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It is not just drugs but also these people give beer and cigarettes to minors that stay outside of my neighbors home all day playing music loud and cursing. But the best part is that the house is not even for the people that are doing these things, it is for an old lady and now because I called the cops on her and them she wants to file harassment charges against me.

2007-12-31 09:01:56 · 26 answers · asked by Rae Rae 1 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

26 answers

What is wrong with you?!? Obviously if they have their music too loud, call the cops about a NOISE COMPLAINT. You ARE harassing them because the situation is NONE of your business.
The way you said "the best part is...." about the situation reveals that you are nothing but a dirty snitch anyway and must have nothing else to do with your life other than complain about the neighbors habits. Turn your reality television back on and leave the people be!!!

Have they ever personally or intentionally HURT you or your family? THAT will be the time for you to get involved, otherwise, stay out. Since you're so PERFECT then mind your own perfect business and keep walking around with your fat head in your rear.

2007-12-31 09:05:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 6

contact elder protective services in your area (anonymously!).

2007-12-31 11:26:43 · answer #2 · answered by meeple 2 · 0 2

Try not to get involved in any way with these people and dont bother calling the cops. Call the chief of police or better yet-go to the station and demand a visit with him in person. Tell him your concerns. If you still dont see any results, go to the next higher in charge. Everybody has to report to someone else. Dont let them bully you or put you off. You know the facts and you live there. It's your right to have a safe enviornment.

2007-12-31 09:11:38 · answer #3 · answered by phlada64 6 · 0 2

Probably best to mind your own business in regards to the drug dealing, they will get busted eventually...

As for the loud music and cursing, call the cops every time you are disturbed by it... You have a right to quiet enjoyment of your home. If she wants to file harassment charges against you, let her!! Turn around and file em right back at her for retaliation. Your REASON will matter in defense to harassment.

2007-12-31 09:08:40 · answer #4 · answered by A W 5 · 1 2

Try actually catching them and when you do take a picture or video. After that show it to the police. Make sure no one knows that you're telling them and trya neighboorhood watch. Also try consulting the minors. I hope i helped

2007-12-31 09:06:26 · answer #5 · answered by Helena 2 · 0 4

Don't mess with them, trust me.

2007-12-31 09:05:16 · answer #6 · answered by betas 5 · 3 2

snitches get stitches, hahaha

2007-12-31 09:05:03 · answer #7 · answered by dayofthephoenix99 3 · 5 1

Sounds like you are in a bad neighborhood, and because you called the cops, you are now a snitch who can't be trusted. You are probably being watched 24/7.

2007-12-31 09:04:59 · answer #8 · answered by Beg 3 · 3 3

Extortion comes to mind....

2007-12-31 09:04:14 · answer #9 · answered by ndmac 5 · 1 3

Mind your own.

2007-12-31 09:04:04 · answer #10 · answered by Yeah. 5 · 3 5