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20 answers

I think our worldview determines the kind of life we have to a great extent. If we expect nothing but sorrow and misery, that is all we will see. If we hope and strive for better things, they will come about. It's such a cliche, but the glass is either half-full or half-empty. It's all in how you view it.

2007-12-31 08:31:19 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

it certainly is a reality,how much we construct ourselves or how much is influenced.That I do not know.

2008-01-01 06:46:09 · answer #2 · answered by mach 3 · 0 0

On the contrary probably it would have been better the other way round !.... "Don't you believe or think that .....ourselves?" Anyway, doesn't matter much.
Well, when you see a small ball coming on a blind turn of a road, you slow your car assuming that the ball can not come on its own and must have been thrown by a small girl and probably she is running behind the ball !!! Right! i.e. for every smallest effect , there has to be a cause !
When the small moving ball has to have someone behind it, how can it be that such a big universe and galaxies and the all complex nature of biochemical and fine physiological movements of the world is going on it's own ... JUST BY CHANCE ?!?
Imagine a sudden explosion (whatever u name it ... bigbang or bangbang !) in an iron ore mine and lo and behold , just by chance all the mineral they join together in such a manner that you see an Aeroplane there !!! Well, if you examine the complex details of the life on this earth ... the precision with which the DNAs and the amino acids and the RNAs and the nerves and whatnot ... and you know if the DNAs , RNAs and the various biochemical processes, galaxial planetary movements would have been erred by even 0.1% , probably you would not have been there to ask this question nor me to answer the same !!! Such a fine precision ..... just by CHANCE ... just like an AEROPLANE or a BMW on its own !!!
There's a lot more ... maybe there's no end to the things and events in this earth , pondering on which convinces you with all the rationalities that it's not just a conjecture , rathar a reality with a definete Creator as the Master Planner !

2007-12-31 19:43:01 · answer #3 · answered by aminamoin 1 · 0 0

Honestly, the vast majority of people find life unbearable and unforgiving, and therefore must rely on the very self-awareness that makes them feel repulsed by life to construct an alternate reality which would allow them to be happier, and to co-exist with others in the form of a larger society. People can't handle the fact that good and evil are two sides of the same coin, that all happiness comes at somebody or something's expense and unhappiness, whether it be other people working hard to furnish the productivity that you in turn enjoy for yourself (e.g. people working at Disneyland for guests' vacation and fun), or destruction of the environment. People can't handle the fact that all their hard work and lives can be wiped away by natural disasters purely by chance. Nature operates by extensive checks and balances, and the constructed reality that people create is their way of "cheating nature." However, they refuse to accept that there's no such thing as cheating nature; nature and reality always have the last laugh, there will always be a price for absolutely everything that you do, and sometimes that price is your life.

So to answer your question: No, life is more than a reality that people construct for themselves. It's just that people can't handle it.

2007-12-31 16:51:48 · answer #4 · answered by Stinkypuppy 3 · 0 0

Haven't you ever seen somebody you thought to have less than you, happier than you? I belive perception of the things happening in your life become your reality...

2007-12-31 16:45:13 · answer #5 · answered by Pat B 1 · 0 0

Well for some people it's not because they live in a country or religion where most of their lives are already planned out and arranged for them or they live in a messed up control where they have no control over anything. But for some people, yes, I do believe that people can contruct it for themselves......

2007-12-31 16:44:32 · answer #6 · answered by -_- 4 · 0 0

Yes, we do construct the reality for ourselves, but we do have a responsibility and a purpose: to glorify God. I am not an overly religious person, and I often fail at this purpose/responsibility. However, I believe that, according to the Christian Bible, we are put on earth for the glorification of God. We should approach every single activity in life as if we are doing it for God. It doesn't mean that we should stay on our knees in church or go around being Jesus freaks or anything. I believe that life is what we make it - and if we get right down to the underlying purpose of it, it's supposed to be to priase God in all we do. This is exceptionally hard for humans to do - we all fall short of it; however, God understands this and realizes that we are just mere, mortal humans. I also believe that is why we were given free choice or free will - we can do with our lives what we want, but in the end, there will be a price to pay.

2007-12-31 16:42:09 · answer #7 · answered by Jason R 1 · 0 0

No, I mean in part yes given that we have options and opportunities to do various things. For the most part, everything is somewhat predestined to happen. Like everyone goes to school when they are young and work when they get older its that chain of actions which keeps things typical and boring. The only thing making it unique is the diversity of people, their opinions and the opportunities given to us individually rare disparity. I took a sociological theory course in college and I learn we are always on stages whether it be at home, school, work, etc. We have to cooperate with one another to get something done. In some cases, it is a collective situation. Anyway, I do not want to get detailed but that is my educated belief...it is my philosophy of life.

2007-12-31 16:33:04 · answer #8 · answered by ♥CJ♥ 6 · 1 0

Your life is but my dog's is not.

2007-12-31 16:30:45 · answer #9 · answered by el atlatl 4 · 0 1

NO, very clearly spelled out in the Holy Bible

2007-12-31 16:30:40 · answer #10 · answered by longjohn 1 · 1 0