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I want to overclock my cpu so I can run nfs carbon. can I do this and how. I have a 1.3 ghz amd and carbon needs 1.7 ghz.

2007-12-31 08:06:32 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Computers & Internet Hardware Other - Hardware

8 answers

If your CPU is a 1.3GHZ your probably stuck. honestly? your trying to play games with a slow system and no matter what you do your going to have problems. Most gaming requires atleast 1gb RAM, and a 2.0 or higher.even if you were able to run at 1.7 your still going to be to slow. Also your graphics card and RAM have a huge impact on gaming. In short, if you want to play games on a PC, its time to upgrade. For the money you could spend on an XBOX or Playstation you can upgrade your PC. What do you have in it now? how much RAM? What type of Graphics? I could sit here and try to help you with your issue, but if you dont have the right setup your only at the tip of the iceberg. My advise, dont waste your time. Spend a few hundred, upgrade and play all the games you want.

2007-12-31 08:14:21 · answer #1 · answered by scottcr2001 2 · 0 1

I highly doubt you could do anything with that computer besides throwing it away. If it's a brand name computer like HP, Dell, Sony etc. They usually lock the features in the BIOS making you unable to adjust any frequencies or voltages. You're computer is so out dated. Only 512mb of ddr2 ram, small hdd, old CPU and Motherboard, probably integrated graphics. I'm guessing that this computer is well over 3 years old. Time to upgrade. Even if you COULD overclock it wouldn't do much for you. Any more questions? Glad to help.

2016-05-28 06:46:49 · answer #2 · answered by cornelia 3 · 0 0

Here's how to:

Your target clock speed may be easier to attain on an enthusiast motherboard with Nvidia chipset but almost impossible on proprietary motherboards. You might also need better cooling. Processor could run hot because you will have to raise Vcore to attain the 400mHz overclock.

2007-12-31 08:59:29 · answer #3 · answered by Karz 7 · 0 2

Also to add to other people, Most computers cant overclock if there made by a company like Hp/Dell, cause they disable this option, so i guess they dont want u to break your comp as eaisly n crap. Some u can do it in the Bios and some softwares n crap like (systools?) theres are many but i cant think of a easy wayright now

2007-12-31 08:14:05 · answer #4 · answered by vcbc707 2 · 0 1

This is one of the best OC guide I read:

But for things to be clear, Not only the CPU speed that matters in ur case since - i think - ur PC specs r not enough to run Carbon smoothly since it depends on the VGA installed and the amount of memory installed...

It's better to post ur PC specs to see if u need a whole upgrade or not...

2007-12-31 08:12:51 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I highly doubt you'll get that much boost from that cpu. Crikey, upgrade that whole rig!

2007-12-31 08:11:50 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

First, your CPU must be able to support overclocking. If it is, then go to the setup menu of your computer. Usually, you press a function key (e.g. F12, F10,... etc.) right when you boot up your computer. Overclocking is not recommended, as it reduces your computer life. I suggest buying a better CPU or even a gaming computer.

2007-12-31 08:11:18 · answer #7 · answered by Goddard 5 · 0 0

to old, your motherboard will not allow that.
you need a more modern motherboard and memory.

2007-12-31 08:10:11 · answer #8 · answered by identity 6 · 0 1