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I've been practicing some psi balls and ki balls lately (my psi balls can get pretty dense) but Dad doesn't believe in ANY of this stuff? How can I show him proof that this stuff is real!

(I bet $270 with him that this stuff is real)

2007-12-31 07:33:47 · 4 answers · asked by Alexandru 2 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

4 answers

Seeing is Believing?
May be your Dad can learn to see the aura: the energy field around our head is especially bright. Most people can learn it within a few minutes. Should your Dad be tensed when watched, he can use the technique when alone. He can discretely watch about anybody: while waiting somewhere, in church or at work. One can also learn how to feel the aura, it is much finer than expected, but definitely an energy field that is different from its outer area. The aura can be quite different in different people and may change from second to second.

How to see the aura (and win the bet)
1) Relax, sit in a quiet place ( Person A).
2) Have another person (B) sit or stand opposite before a wall, best with gentle light falling in from the side.
3) Best is when the background is light blue, white or dark blue. Yet any one-colored background can do.
4) Person A looks across person B's head as if looking to the horizon, not focusing the eyes.
5) Person A stare for a while, suddenly a bright shine may appear around person B's head.
6) A, you may automatically focus your eyes - and gone is the shine.
7) A, start over, try to keep your eyes unfocused.
8) See the aura around the head.
Later you may see the aura also around arms, body and legs, it has an egg-shaped form.

Why do we have to unfocus our eyes to see the aura?

The energy is so fine that our regular view is not catching it, but the sides of the background of our eyes are catching this fine energy.

With some practice, one may also see the colors of the aura.
However, the colors are mainly seen like a colored fog, not strong as with physical object. Yet, some bright, intensely colored energy "balls" may be seen popping up and disappearing.

The "aura images" of people, which are projected on screen are impressive, yet they are taken from the fingertips via temperature and are not the aura. The temperatures are then translated into the "colors of the aura."

Kirlian images of the aura around the head are also not the aura but taken from the hands, placed on a contact board.

To my knowledge, the real aura has not yet been photographed except on Polarid film, which works without a negative. But the aura can be seen with little training.

Wished you win the bet, since this would allow your Dad to see beyond the physical into the world we all came form, the spiritual realms!

Much success.

2008-01-06 13:03:08 · answer #1 · answered by india.magica 6 · 0 0

i practice that too.And unfortunatley you cannot "show"him it.Its a spirutual and enlightening process.The only way he'll be convinced is if he takes this practice up himself.

2007-12-31 11:35:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Actually, you can prove the energy around you with two wire clothes hangers straightened out. Send me your email and I'll send you a link that shows how.

2007-12-31 07:41:29 · answer #3 · answered by American Spirit 7 · 0 0

There should definately be a paranormal section on yahoo answers, maybe you should ask for it to be made and make yourself the king of it.

2007-12-31 07:37:29 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0