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i'm a guy and a freshmen in highschool and 14 years old now. in september, there is some kind of mini triathalon thing... 1/2 mile swim, 12.5 mile bike, 5K run. i'm pretty big on running (XC and track) and i know i could run a 5K in under 20 minutes. i'm not the greatest biker but i could train for the event. but i suck big time swimming and i don't know if i could make the 1/2 mile swim. how could i train for the whole event and especially the swimming?!?!?! thanks a lot:]

2007-12-31 07:31:47 · 3 answers · asked by Philip M 2 in Sports Other - Sports

3 answers

You can run, but can you do the biking and the swimming right after. Remember, you get no break between events. To train for the swimming, go swim. Get a gym membership that has a pool. If you can afford it, get a trainer. Tell them your goals and they can help you with them. They can work on things like techinique to make you put out less effort to get further. Try talking to a swim coach or someone on the schools swim team for advice. As far as the biking goes, get a good bike and start riding. Switch up the gears to work different muscles. The higher the gear, the more effort you are exerting. Just get used to doing all, and switching from one to another.

I know you dont expect to win, but major time is lost switching from one event to another. Work on that as much as you can. While you cant train for the switch to the swim, you can practice getting off the bike and running to what should be the pool or lake.

Also, keep in mind that swimming in opne water is different than swimming in a pool. But it's good to train in a pool to measure distance. But you should do some training in open water too.

Good Luck

2007-12-31 08:35:17 · answer #1 · answered by Meghan 7 · 0 0

go on ur bike to a pool
when u get there practice ur swimming

2007-12-31 08:38:39 · answer #2 · answered by alex_19192000 2 · 0 0

I heard recently that you can choose to do a triathalon as a team. That way you can pick someone who swims well. You do the run and bike, your team mate does the swimming. You'll be in a different division but you'd get a feel of what to expect for the next time you do one. Many people choose this.

Good luck!!!

2007-12-31 08:16:09 · answer #3 · answered by Kim 6 · 0 0