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I received a letter in the mail today with a check in the amt of $3,656.50. I called the bank and found that this check is fraudulent. I did not take it to the bank for fear of getting in trouble for this check. It is pretty sad that we american's receive checks from other countries and when they bounce, we are the ones to get into trouble for it. Why is this? We don't make the checks. Why don't our government go after the people who does? This check was for a ATM Mega Bonanza and the bank was Citibank in Canada. The agent is Kathy Roberts 20Dawson Ave, Ste.405, Orangeville, ON. The check was from Lehman Brothers. I believe it is time for our government to do something about this.

2007-12-31 07:30:16 · 7 answers · asked by Regina D 1 in Politics & Government Government

7 answers

Dont ever expect our government to ever do anything thats right for the people. As long as it doesnt concern them direct they wont change a damn thing nor do they want to. Until we get an accountable governemnet which is controlled by the people as designed, nothing will ever change and our God blessed country is in trouble

2007-12-31 07:46:13 · answer #1 · answered by Arthur W 7 · 1 1

i just received this same check...different agent. what the hell? it looked real and me and my husband were like "whoa!" but then i read your post and it was the same bank, amount, and company as mine. thank you. i was wondering if it was fake or not for sure. it's a shame because someone is gonna cash one of these and get into serious trouble. :( thanx again.

2008-01-02 10:57:38 · answer #2 · answered by jersey_603 1 · 0 0

Our govt does do things - I have written many pre-sentence investigations for check forgery cases - many times these people get placed onto probation instead of being sent to prison - This is done in order to get the victim some of their money back (restitution). Granted - most of these cases are from stolen checks, writing checks on closed accounts or some fool just printing out checks on their home computer.

From what you are describing - I assume you sold something online? And, someone from another country contacted you and offered you WAY more than what you were asking? Never fall for this scheme... They always expect you to mail back the difference. Quite often, banks cannot tell that a money order is phoney right away. By the time you find out - you have already sent them the money and the item....

As someone else pointed out - there is only so much we can do to battle crime from other countries. The internet has spawned a huge amount of crime related to financial schemes. Just protect yourself.

Quite often, large banks here don't even make the effort to go after credit card criminals INSIDE the USA. Theyc onsider it part of doing business. So, until that changes - not sure how much effort you will see to prosecute people OUTSIDE of the USA.

2007-12-31 07:58:16 · answer #3 · answered by MisterShipWreck 5 · 0 0

Our government can not pass laws for other countries. Our government can not enforce our laws in another country. Our government can not enforce the laws of another country anywhere.

People that cash the checks get in trouble mostly because they spend the money and then the check of course is returned. They are very over drawn.

You should of course turn the check over to the police and include with it anything else that you received about the check (e-mail, letter etc). They may be able to work with the authorities in the country of origin to apprehend the person.

2007-12-31 07:41:24 · answer #4 · answered by davidmi711 7 · 0 0

You seem to be doing a pretty good job all by yourself. But lets get real what do you want our government to do that has not already been done. It was an illegel check already. The government cannot protect citizens from there own stupidity.

2007-12-31 07:40:52 · answer #5 · answered by Nancy 3 · 0 0

If you were stupid enough to actually cash a check that looked as fishy as that, and was for money you know you shouldn't have, then you deserve to get in trouble and/or have your money stolen.

2007-12-31 07:37:31 · answer #6 · answered by The Jesus 5 · 2 0

Unfortunately, law makers but fraud, counterfiters, identity theft felons, child molesters, and others in a "let's slap their wrist and they won't do it again" category. Unless people revolt and force change in the laws nothing will change.

2007-12-31 07:35:47 · answer #7 · answered by DJ P 4 · 0 1