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I think they are an honest and trustworthy group that will tell us the truth no matter what events occur. And George W. Bush does a good job of that.

2007-12-31 06:57:40 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Government

Mezmarel I'm being serious about this. The government tries it's best to tell anyone the truth. We should all be thankful to live in America and have a decent president. I just hope Obama wins the next election. We'll find out in 10 months. : )

2007-12-31 07:43:35 · update #1

5 answers

Absolutely not and never will. It never has so why start now. If truth ever be told, majority of the US government, present and past, would be in Federal prisons. Why do you think Bill Clinton fired all those Federal Judges after obtaining office, and appointing all his friends, so he could never be convicted of any of his crimes. Way to stack the deck, Bill. The government is great for not telling the truth with total accountable denialability. Our government would probably tell you it itself doesnt exist and most people would believe it. Someday God willing the whole truth will come out and our history books will have to be rewritten

2007-12-31 07:58:33 · answer #1 · answered by Arthur W 7 · 0 0

You are being sarcastic right? Hopefully?

2007-12-31 07:15:52 · answer #2 · answered by grumpyoldman 7 · 0 0

No, and the reason that is , because there are too many stupid people. Not everyone is ready for the truth. Some people just can't handle knowing the truth. It will send them into panic mode. It is called the "need to know" basis.

2007-12-31 07:09:58 · answer #3 · answered by leaann2006 3 · 0 0

no...and they can't tell you everything..there would be total panic if we knew everything..remember if we knew it all so would all our enemies...one of the biggest problems today is actually the media...you never ever see the good things are country does...alot because happy news doesn't sell papers etc.

2007-12-31 07:08:36 · answer #4 · answered by lanek 6 · 0 0

How old are you? And yet you must still believe in Santa Claus?

2007-12-31 07:04:45 · answer #5 · answered by Mezmarelda 6 · 1 1