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how do they treat you? i wish i could be with an
edward cullen or jacob black.. that's want i want soooo
badly !!! you have no idea!!!!

2007-12-31 06:30:48 · 16 answers · asked by 4 in Arts & Humanities Books & Authors

16 answers

No, sadly. D: I don't wait for my Prince Charming anymore, I wait for my Edward Cullen.

2007-12-31 06:32:56 · answer #1 · answered by Kristine Fernandez 6 · 1 2

Unfortunately, I don't. =[

2007-12-31 18:06:03 · answer #2 · answered by Breezy 4 · 2 0

I think I'll have a Jacob soon,there's hope!

Happy New Year!

2007-12-31 17:31:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

OMG!! I REALLY WANT MY EDWARD CULLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)

I kind of sort of used to have a Jacob, but.............. not anymore. He was a really close friend and i think he really liked me, but i had my eyes set on someone else, but now i don't even see any of them anymore!! =(

2007-12-31 17:30:40 · answer #4 · answered by bp_twilight 3 · 3 0

No. My dream is to have my own Edward Cullen someday.

2007-12-31 17:10:43 · answer #5 · answered by Edward-Cullen-Obsessed 3 · 2 0

I don't have either and no offense but I wouldn't want a Jacob but an Edward yes because he totally cares about Bella unlike some guys who only care about looks. And it's going to be IMPOSSIBLE to find an Edward Cullen because he is PERFECT and there's no guy out there that can have that kind of perfection.

2007-12-31 15:57:52 · answer #6 · answered by ƒαη¢нσηєѕѕ тнє нυηтяєѕѕ 4 · 1 0

no *tear* LOL

2007-12-31 15:48:15 · answer #7 · answered by ♥ Rosalie Hale ♥ 2 · 1 0

Yes in a way I have both. Like Bella, I have two guys in my life, one is my boyfriend (My Jaob Black, only cuban instead of Indian) and the love of my life (My Edward Cullen, he's not as white, but what living person should be?). Sadly I get neither of them are myths. I know how Bella feels, it's hard loving them both, but knowing you can only be with one. My boyfriend doesn't know the one I call the love of my life, other then someone I rarely mention to him. Unlike Bella I don't have a choice in who I get, my love doesn't openly return the feeling, but he does sort of watch out for me and make me feel extra special; when reading New moon I realized that Tanner, my love, was like Edward, he could leave me, still caring for me, but leave and not be as happy; Travis, my boyfriend, was like Jacob, he loves me, he wants me, but he can never have my heart completely, I could be myself, but there would always be a part that he couldn't see, and that given the choice, I would probably leave him, but he would always be there.

2007-12-31 15:14:44 · answer #8 · answered by Princess Gizmo 91 06 2 · 1 0

someone does have an edward somewhere in this world .. i just havent been fortunate enough to find him .

2007-12-31 15:04:47 · answer #9 · answered by ßღ 3 · 3 0

I am blessed to have both in my life. My "Edward" is a wonderful guy that is just about everything to me. He is my future husband & like Edward to Bella.... made me see marriage as something I never knew that I always wanted. He is my strength & knows me better than I know myself & we love each other very very much. He keeps me out of trouble & is the sensible one in our relationship. I'm always getting into some new scheme or another but he is always there to calm me & ground me when things get out of hand. He can also make my pulse quicken like no one else can! =)

My "Jacob" is my wonderful friend. He is as equally crazy as I am & the best part of our friendship is that we can be talking about anything & still be having a great time. He brings up my mood when I get down & is always there to listen to me no matter how many "non-sensical" things I mutter. Our relationship isn't as twisted as Bella & Jacob's is (luckily!) as we are both in our own relationships with people we are madly in love with. We just kinda come together out of that & just click as friends. We are great friends & truly enjoy having each other in our lives.

I guess I ended up with the best of both worlds... I got the love of my life "Edward" & my best friend "Jake" without the "Love" mess Bella got in to, lol.

2007-12-31 14:52:26 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

it makes me so sad when ever i think bout not havin my edward:[
its soo horrible .. i need him in my life ot make me happy!!!

hopefully we'll get our loves soon lol.

2007-12-31 14:43:16 · answer #11 · answered by ღ£Ðwå®Ðz§ løv£®ღ 7 · 3 1