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What roles would be good in Les Miserables for my friend who has an age range of about 11 years old to 14 years old? This her basic profile. I cannot give out her name, age, or past performance for safety reasons.

Height: 5 ft

Weight:117 (is thin though.)

Hair Color: Redish Brownish

Eye Color: Brown

Skin Color: White

Vocal Range: Soprano (can sing pretty high and also sing some mezzo, a little alto, and can belt.)

Dancing Level: Somewhere between Intermediate and Advanced. Has had training in ballet, pointe, jazz, hip hop, tap, musical theatre, lyrical, and salsa.

Let me know what you think!

2007-12-31 05:53:01 · 6 answers · asked by dreamer456 3 in Arts & Humanities Theater & Acting

6 answers

I agree with your first answerer. Young Cosette may be the only role she can play and that's only if she can truly look on the younger side of that age range. If she's really more towards the older end and maybe even a tad older, Eponine would be better. 5 feet sounds a bit tall. Young Cosette is generally about 8-11 and very thin, a waif. Eponine is boyish, but an excellent singer. A mezzo belter. She can look 14 but that's about the youngest so if your friend looks younger then she may just be in that weird age where she's going to be hard to cast for a few years. It happens to all show kids :-(

Her dancing ability won't really come into play in this show. The only dancing is maybe a basic minuet in the wedding scene. Kudos to her though for being fluent in so many styles, that's awesome!

Keep in mind that being cast as Young Cosette will also depend on who is cast as Cosette. That's where her hair color may matter. Most Eponine's are cast brunette or auburn that I've seen though I don't think it really matters. Her family is such a motley crew :-)

I would shoot for Eponine especially with her height. Tell her to dress tomboyish and go in and belt her heart out.

good luck!

2007-12-31 06:23:31 · answer #1 · answered by Marianne D 7 · 1 0

Go see Les Mis. The Hobbit will not be that enjoyable for you if you aren't a Lord of the Rings fan (it's pretty silly). Also, after seeing The Hobbit, you might be put off from seeing The Lord of the Rings, which would be a shame. I didn't really like either movie that well, but I think Les Mis was better. It's an incredible story, though I'm not a fan of it as a musical.

2016-05-28 06:14:30 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

It all depends on the age range of the rest of the cast. And dancing dosn't really give you a leg-up in Les Mis because all you really need to know how to do is a box step.

2007-12-31 07:53:34 · answer #3 · answered by allycat091 4 · 0 0

It really depends on the age range of the cast. If it's full of adults then probably the only thing I can think of is the chorus. I don't know, she might be able to pull of young Eponine, but she doesn't have any lines. All the other main roles are all for older people except for young Cosette but I'd imagine her to be a little bit younger still.

2007-12-31 06:07:22 · answer #4 · answered by TheaterChick 3 · 0 0

Probably only young Cosette. Depending on the age of the rest of the cast, however, she might get away with playing Eponine... depends on how old the people they cast as "grown-up" Cosette and Marius are, since they are all about the same age (Cosette and Eponine definitely).

2007-12-31 06:01:00 · answer #5 · answered by asoneill99 3 · 2 0

Cossette. The young one. . . although I don't think at this point she is suited for a role in that play at this time

2008-01-01 07:02:12 · answer #6 · answered by [[HACKED - DON'T USE ANYMORE]] 3 · 0 0