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6 answers

Parents who have Asperger's are like parents anywhere- they do not care for their kids any less than those who do not have this problem, which is a developmental disability. People with this condition, which is a mild form of Autism, often have trouble recognizing or responding to certain things in their environment. That does not make them bad parents, however.

2007-12-31 06:04:35 · answer #1 · answered by Starlight 1 7 · 1 0

nicely i in my view accept as true with you which you will desire to tell your babies approximately their organic and organic verify(s) i do no longer understand in case you will desire to "assign" an age, anybody is distinctive and reckoning on what's being suggested i think of which you will tell them even at a youthful age and a few teenagers you may would desire to tell merely small quantities of information right here and there so as that they get the assumption however the entire tale possibly as they grow old although i do believe 21 is wayyyy too previous due. i in my view believe additionally that for the time of the journey that your modern-day bf or in spite of is taking the placement of certainly "elevating" the newborn and the organic and organic father isn't and the newborn knows that merely supplies the step father that somewhat extra appreciate (if he's a stable guy or woman and positively there for the newborn, no longer purely some random guy who bops ur mom) it would not pay in the long-term to lie to your babies no remember what and in some situations your damned in case you do and damned in case you do no longer which you will besides no longer appear as if a liar too

2016-10-10 17:46:25 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Aspergers syndrome parents care for their kids as much as the average parent does, it just might seem like they don't because they have undeveloped social skills.

2007-12-31 14:35:40 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

One of the factors in Aspergers is an inability to read "signals" that the rest of us take for granted. It's not that they don't care - of coiurse they care - but they might not understand a signal to show that caring.

2007-12-31 06:20:30 · answer #4 · answered by ZombieTrix 2012 6 · 0 0

Of course they care. They just have a different way of showing it. It's hard for them to show affection like a person that doesn't have the syndrome because they don't always recognize when they are supposed to.

2007-12-31 06:15:41 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I have a relative, close, that has part of that disorder. It is hard to understand for anybody including the parents and it does get frustrating to not be able to recognize things. It's not not caring, it's not be able to see how to fix wha tthey feel is wrong and it is hurtful to know y ou can not help your child fully.

2007-12-31 05:53:44 · answer #6 · answered by Hiro a Hero? 5 · 0 0