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Doing a power point presentation on parenting and the importance of either parent in a child's life. I would like input from mothers and fathers.....What would you see as the most important reasons for a mother in a child's life.....???? Thank you for your help!

2007-12-31 05:39:00 · 5 answers · asked by mommadawn 2 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

5 answers

In theory (and often in reality) women are more caring and nurturing partners than their male counterparts. We feel, react, and EXPRESS on a deeper emotional level than most men can, will, or ever admit to doing. It's this capacity to make ourselves fully available to our children that exposes them to that aspect of the human psyche. The impact of this parenting characteristic is obvious because most children go to their mothers for succour when they're hurt and/or feel pain.

The above is true assuming that both parents (male & female) are present in the home. When there is only one parent (usually the mother), they have to take on both masculine and feminine rolls to fulfill their parenting obligations.

The presence of a masculine figure teaches a child to be strong. It is usually the father that enforces punishment for misbehavior, which is very important when children become teenagers and want to "act out". The father should be able to enforce the mother's with his own authority, and let the child know there is no room for disobedience.

2007-12-31 05:54:16 · answer #1 · answered by uNrAveLeD 3 · 0 0

The argument that the mothers life is extra significant is extra a mundane argument than a Christian one. In Christian circles, it is not addressed at centred on the easy reason that it relatively is often somebody challenge and purely would be desperate with particular information. For the main area, if I have been in a medical institution and the alternative strengthen into the two mom and newborn have been going to die if no longer something strengthen into executed, then of direction, the alternative could be to save the only that would desire to be saved, somewhat than the two one in each and every of them being lost. it is not in any respect ok just to make a blanket "rule" in those concerns as each and every condition is so distinctive. Now while it comes to rape, the mum does no longer would desire to strengthen the toddler and be reminded of that area of her life daily. If she have been to abort it or undertake it out, she might nevertheless in the two cases have concepts of the toddler that would desire to have been, or the childs nicely being and how old it could have been or is. So, no reason to abort it, enable it stay and be enjoyed via parents no longer haunted via the way it got here into the international. while it comes to mentally or bodily deformed babies. comparable arguments, you will in no way understand merely how a lot stable that newborn would have been or executed. IF aborted, you will continually ask your self. Abortion in no way solves any worldly difficulty. Abortion would be an option if the mum would be saved, yet such cases are so unique that it would be left to the parents and the wellness care professional, no longer our governmental or regulation gadget.

2016-10-10 17:45:58 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Women are USUALLY more nurturing, not that men can't be, but most aren't on a consistant basis. Both parents are equally important, if they have love to give.

2007-12-31 05:44:59 · answer #3 · answered by gypsy g 7 · 0 0

probably the most important thing is to give the child life then all the nurturing after words

2007-12-31 05:44:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Every child needs a mother and in most cases a father figure. Its very important for a mother to be in a childs life because mothers teach children how to love, respect and learn things in life but yes everyone can do that to a child but its best for the mother to do so. What child wouldnt want their mothers in their lifes anyway!

2007-12-31 05:44:39 · answer #5 · answered by <its me> 2 · 0 0