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okay, so i'm 8 months preggos, and i dont feel like doing anything for new years eve. i'm tired. my body is HUGE, and i just am not into this year. soo...me and my boyfriend were going to go to his brother's place, which is about 1 hour away, for new years eve, but i bailed--my boyfriend is still going.

should i be upset that we're not spending new years eve together? i dont feel upset, but i think i should be...unsure. i mean, shouldn't we spend NYE together? confused.

2007-12-31 04:00:28 · 27 answers · asked by happypants 3 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

i know he would stay if i ask him to, but should i?

2007-12-31 04:04:37 · update #1

heartsarebad: you're an *ss. i know he's not my HUSBAND, but he still cares about me. i just told him this morning that i wasnt going, so it's not like we had a huge discussion about it. and knowning my boyfriend, he will try to convince me to go out, which i was say no to. you're rude. there is a high rate of divorce out there and with your attitude, i'm sure you'll make that list.

2007-12-31 04:09:13 · update #2

at his brothers: 4 other couples total, just drinking and playing games and such. not going out anywhere. no single people going.

2007-12-31 04:10:52 · update #3

big bully: umm...he's not single. i'm his girlfriend. so...um...yeah, he's not single.

2007-12-31 04:11:35 · update #4

just because we are not married, does not mean that we are not committed to each other. we have an unplanned pregnancy, and we are dealing with it..and are NOT going to get married just because we are having a child. i've seen that happen to too many people, and guess what, ALL of them are now divorce. marriage is NOT just about children, so i dont know why everyone is even bringing this up. i put this question in this catergory because we arent just "single and dating"; we are in a committed relationship. if there were a catorgory for that, then i would put in there. so enough with the self-righteous letures about marriage. that isnt the question.

2007-12-31 04:14:13 · update #5

i spoke w/ my boyfriend. i told him i was not mad, but i would like to spend NYE together. and we are. so that's that. like my co-worker said: sometimes with guys you have to spell it out to them. i dont expect my b/f to be a mind reader. i do want to spend time w/ him on NYE and i should've just admitted it to myself. i wasnt mad; i was just sad that we werent spending it together. now, we are and i'm happy!

2007-12-31 05:11:18 · update #6

hearsare: are you crazy? even if we were married, i still have no right to make or tell him to do things! what's wrong w/ you. you think if we were married that he HAS to do things?? have you seen marriages lately??? i think you have an unhealthy view of marriage and i am POSITIVE you are one of those women that think EVERYTHING should change once in married, but in reality, my boyfriend will still be the same way, but with marriage, we are legally and spirtually committed ourselves together. as of right now, we are committed and we do not TELL each other to do anything: we discuss issues like adults....which you dont seem to be.

2007-12-31 05:17:45 · update #7

ps. just because i ask questions about my relationship, doesn't mean that we aren't happy and committed. it means, like any other relationship, we have our ups and down. and instead of being hard headed an angry, i gather other's opinons before doing something rash. i dont presume to know-it-all in relationships; all i know is this: i am happy with my boyfriend. sometimes he pisses me off. but most times, i feel like a princess with him. he listens to me. loves me. and understands me. and for now, that's enough. now 2-3 years down the road, i will want marriage, but right now, i'm overwhelmed with being pregnant and want to take it step-by-step (though it's backwards step..lol). sometimes love and relationship and children dont work out PERFECT, but in the end, i know me and my boyfriend will work out. and talking him today further proves that we are adults and can handle disagreements and we can commuicate with each other---recipes for a good marriage, when we're ready.

2007-12-31 05:21:09 · update #8

27 answers

My thoughts on New Year's is this,how ever you spend it will be how you spend the rest of that year.So I suggest you find some energy to go with him,or you may find yourself home alone alot for the coming year.And if you really don't want to go,then try suggesting he stay home,you will know from his reaction what to do.Good luck

2007-12-31 04:12:10 · answer #1 · answered by glorene b 3 · 3 0


2016-12-19 23:19:38 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

what do you want him to do? sit home with you and do nothing. let that man go out and be with his family SINCE YOU DONT want too. and you should tell him to stay over there and dont worry about driving since it is new years and people do drink and drive and you dont want him to get into an accident trying to get home to be with you. grow up. sometimes you have to do things that you dont want too just because of LOVE. and you should not make a big deal of it. GodBless

2007-12-31 05:39:00 · answer #3 · answered by Crystal G 5 · 0 1

If you don't feel upset, then don't be! My husband and I get into petty fights over stuff like this all the time, and it sucks. So if you don't feel like going, and don't mind if he does, have a relaxing new years at home and don't sweat it. It sounds like you guys have a good relationship. Congrats on your baby!

2007-12-31 04:14:39 · answer #4 · answered by gypsyghost 3 · 2 0

Dont be mad at him, you bailed on him. I understand that you dont feel good. Just tell him you wish he would stay home with you. Then its up to him. I dont think you should be mad either way. If you dont tell him you want him to stay with you, he might not realize. Guys are dumb, we need to be told flat out how you feel. Its too hard for us to interpret your emotions. Just tell him, otherwise you do not have the right to be upset.

2007-12-31 04:12:42 · answer #5 · answered by MJ 2 · 0 0

You backed out so let him go. Enjoy the quiet time to yourself...you won't have much of it soon.

2007-12-31 04:06:20 · answer #6 · answered by BG 3 · 0 0

Um he is not your HUSBAND! That is why he doesnt care about how you feel.

A HUSBAND wants to be with his other half and mother of his child.
A B/F wants you for sex.
Make him step up to the plate or you will forever just be a BABY MAMA.

IN DENIAL : I read your past questions and you wish he cared enough about you to stay with you> Keep making excuses for your poor choice in MEN!

Listen to your insides they are never wrong. The best place to raise a child is within a marriage. You can provide it, Whyt would you deny this to your kid?
Have a happy healthy Baby

Get married, then you get to tell him what do do for new years.

2007-12-31 04:06:07 · answer #7 · answered by heartsarebad 5 · 3 5

There will be many more. You had plans, he is just sticking to them. Most guys though, would want to be with their mate. Don't know him or you, so it is hard to say whether to be mad or not. What did he say? Not healthy to be mad, so let it go.

2007-12-31 04:05:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Since you bailed, you shouldn't be mad. Either go or possibly talk to him about why you bailed and ask him to stay with you.

2007-12-31 04:03:42 · answer #9 · answered by Meg 6 · 4 1

Yeah, i'd be mad if i were you...

2007-12-31 04:03:06 · answer #10 · answered by FlyingScooter 6 · 0 4