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Any lists out there?
Keep in mind that Quality of Life and Social Life are different ratings.

2007-12-31 03:32:03 · 2 answers · asked by AnswerBot 4 in Education & Reference Higher Education (University +)

2 answers

Princeton Review lists:
1. West Virginia University
2 University of Mississippi
3 The University of Texas at Austin
4 University of Florida
5 University of Georgia
6 Penn State--University Park
7 University of New Hampshire
8 Indiana University at Bloomington
9 Ohio University-Athens
10 University of California-Santa Barbara

these schools LOVE to party. (from www.thebizofknowledge.com)

10. University of California - Santa Barbara
9. University of Iowa
8. Louisiana State University
7. University of Massachusetts - Amherst
6. Ohio University - Athens
5. University of Mississippi
4. University of Wisconsin - Madison
3. West Virginia University
2. Penn State - University Park
1. University of Texas - Austin

PubClub.com says:

1.A) Appalachian State. After the huge upset of Michigan, is there any other campus you would rather be at right now!?

2.) Florida. Chomp Chomp! Coming off a national championship always boosts a schoo's party poll position. And the Gators have 'em in TWO sports! The stadium is called "The Swamp," and the town of Gainesville is a good place to get swamped.

3.) Wisconsin. It's a beautiful campus right on a lake with a weekly Thursday night outdoor student bash. Then there's State Street, with enough fun bars to warm the soul – even on those chilly fall Saturdays.

4.) Alabama. There used to be a joint in town in an old train car that served a drink called The Derailer. It was everything clear at the bar plus a splash of soda. Mike Price would have loved the place. Bars are open well into the morning, even drawing in Mississippi State students from nearby Starkville and Nick Saban is in town to turn the Tide. They now go to "The Strip." Plus, T-town has the best ribs anywhere, the appropriately-named Dreamland). Alabama is also The Bartender's alma mater.

5.) UCSB. Technically, UCSB stands for "University of California Santa Barbara." Students, on the other hand, say it means "U Can Study Buzzed." It's also the country's only campus with its own beach. Party Central is Del Playa Drive in Isla Vista.

6.) Georgia. Two bands – the B52s and REM – are from Athens-town. The frat party scene is awesome and the city is the very essence of a Southern college town. The football team plays "tween the Hedges" (though we could do without that mascot).

7.) Ohio University. It makes this year's list for its insane Halloween party, if for no other reason. And scroll below for those other reasons as students give feedback in the "From the Grandstands" section of this article.

8.) Florida State. Most games are at night, which means people spend their day getting primed for kickoff (and beyond). There are few dates in the stands, mostly just single people looking for fun. At FSU, not all the scoring is done on the field.

9.) Arizona. Are the students and alumni "Zonies" or not? At any rate, they are usually in a party zone. Plus, it's in close proximity to arch-rival Arizona State, another great place to socialize.

10. ) USC. A top-notch football team (with a quarterback named Booty!), the coolest coach (PubClub saw Pete Carroll riding a bicycle down the Strand in Hermosa Beach on the Fourth of July), a great-looking student body, the Song Girls, the Star Wars bar and alumni that go strong year-round (it's the weather) with graduduation providing no deterrent to their partying intensity. All this combines to put the University of Spoiled Children on this year's

2007-12-31 03:44:34 · answer #1 · answered by neniaf 7 · 1 0

I don't have any lists but I can give you schools that I know to have a GREAT social life.

Arizona State University
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
East Carolina University
Florida State University
Dartmouth College
University of Arizona

You will have fun at any of these schools. Students love being there.

2007-12-31 03:56:40 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0