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has anyone ever got a tattoo while in their second trimester on here if so, was your baby born with any birth defects?

2007-12-31 03:27:00 · 12 answers · asked by baby number 2 due june 6th 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

12 answers

Noone usually gets a tattoo during pregnancy mostly because tattoo shops won't allow it. If they know you're pregnant they most likely won't give you a tattoo. I wouldn't do that during pregnancy. Having a baby changes you so much, and the picture you want now may be completely different. Why not wait until after the child is born?

2007-12-31 03:42:48 · answer #1 · answered by Pregnant with Baby #2 6 · 0 0

besides infecting the baby you'd also have to worry about what it would look like after you had the baby and your body returns to its normal figure... depending on how big you get and where you get it, it might not be to pretty lol... just to be safe and make sure you continue liking your new tat i would wait until the baby was born and you returned to your normal figure

2007-12-31 04:35:14 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It won't hurt the baby but it will hurt you. ANy reputable tattoo artist wouldn't do it anyway. The risk of infection is higher and tattooes tend to not heal properly for pregnant women. Don't do it.

2007-12-31 04:30:01 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i wouldnt suggest it .

2007-12-31 03:41:30 · answer #4 · answered by Diane V 1 · 1 0

I wouldn't do it, why take the risk? Can't you wait a few months. This is not going to be the first or last time during your pregnancy where you will be faced with the question...do I just do what I want to do, or do I put my babies health first and wait. You will have many opportunities to eat, drink, smoke, be in a closed room with smokers, or participate in any number of other behaviors that could jeopardize your babies health and well being....what are you going to do?

What are you going to do??

Good luck with making your responsible choices

2007-12-31 03:41:19 · answer #5 · answered by ~Just 1 good egg~ 5 · 1 0

In my opinion I would advice you not to get a tattoo. I had planned to get one b-4 I found out I was pregnant. My Dr. informed me not to. Pregnancy seems long by 9 months will go by so fast. Everyone is different so just because something didn't happen to someone Else's baby that doesn't mean that your child will be so lucky (not to be rude, I hope you don't take that in the wrong way). I think that for your health and the health of your child you should wait. If something goes wrong you will have to live with that and to me that is not a nice thing to live with on your conscious. Good Luck I hope you make the right choice.

2007-12-31 03:36:42 · answer #6 · answered by Slim 2 · 1 0

the tattoo shop will not tattoo pregnant women.........atleast not if there proffessionals.............

2007-12-31 03:36:20 · answer #7 · answered by Krystal B 3 · 2 0

No. I haven't. BUT I would NOT encourage you to get one, if that's why you're asking. It's very unhealthy. Everything that goes into YOUR body, also goes inside your baby. There's a chance of getting an infection, and passing it to your baby. Most tattoo artists will NOT tattoo you if your pregnant. I don't see why it's urgent for you to get a tattoo right now anyways, so you should wait until you have baby.

2007-12-31 03:34:22 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Just wait until your baby is born to get a tattoo and know that your baby will not be effected........ it's not smart to do anything that could potentially harm your child in anyway. plus, you may want to wait to get a tattoo till your body goes back to normal.

2007-12-31 03:31:45 · answer #9 · answered by alicia m 4 · 1 0

Why would you even consider getting a tattoo while you're pregnant? You'll be opening yourself up to infection, and that is just silly to take that risk while you are carrying a baby.

2007-12-31 03:30:33 · answer #10 · answered by That's not my name 7 · 2 0