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I saw this game and there was a high rating, but no review, and no description. Does anyone know if it is fun. Also is it very easy to understand?

2007-12-31 03:12:39 · 1 answers · asked by Cute Dancer 2 in Consumer Electronics Games & Gear Nintendo Wii

1 answers

Cranium Kabooki

Cranium Kabookii brings a new dimension to Wii play by celebrating the amazing things friends and family can do as they create, perform, discover and connect with one another. Using the Wii Remote and special Kabookii Decoder Glasses, Cranium Kabookii changes the television screen into a living canvas where teams jam, draw, act, puzzle and even crack codes to win. New questions and activities get players to spray paint the solar system on a wall (you actually hear the can shaking in your hand!); use the Wii Remote as a mallet to hammer out Auld Lang Syne" on a xylophone; solve word puzzles (what word is both a face card and car lifter?); or trot the globe to test their knowledge of world flags, landmarks and national anthems (frequent flier miles not included!). Kabookii Decoder Glasses add an extra twist, allowing one player at a time to view hidden clues on the screen.

2007-12-31 03:17:02 · answer #1 · answered by Coop 4 · 0 0

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