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I have been reading the blogs wondering if I should return to school. I have been a paramedic for quite some time. I am at the point where I no longer like the work, or I just can't physically take it. My concerns are; I own two homes (one is a rental) so that's two payments to worry about. I plan on studying chemistry, so on-line is out of the question. I only need about two years to complete the BS. Luckly, I inherited some money, so it is possible that I quit my job and go back full time. But, it's nerve racking thinking about not having a steady source of income. Also, the fear of really hard classes. I know that it will be a challenge to finish, but I can't be a Medic forever. Let me know if you know someone, or had a similar situation.

2007-12-31 03:12:37 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Education & Reference Higher Education (University +)

19 answers

Go back to school if you're wanting to further or establish yourself in another career. I'm older than you are and have already started back to school this year.
Good luck!

2007-12-31 03:16:37 · answer #1 · answered by flyinghighfreebird 4 · 1 0

Yes, if that is what you want to do! Even if you go full time you can still work at least part time (not necessarily as a medic). You don't have to go to school every day. You can take classes at night or Saturday. Before choosing the school, look at their course schedules to see if they offer classes in the evening or days that you want to go. I'm in a master's program and a lot of people in the program are over 35. You're never too old to go back to school. Senior citizens go back to school through golden age programs etc.. I wish you much success

2007-12-31 03:42:50 · answer #2 · answered by careb0o 2 · 0 0

Go for it! I went back to school at age 39 for a masters degree. I attended part-time, taking no more than 9 hours/semester and worked too.

It's natural to feel fear, but it becomes a problem if you let that fear rule your life. I believe the biggest regrets in life are those about things which we wanted to do, but didn't even try to do.

2007-12-31 03:36:22 · answer #3 · answered by Carol M 3 · 0 0

I say go for it, but decide on couple of things! Find a school that's not too expensive and within your budget and Also it provides good student support. Make sure you have the support of those around you. Chemistry is hard and if you want to study that you obviously know what you are going for, and in two years you will be a happy person throwing caps around! :)

2007-12-31 03:25:05 · answer #4 · answered by kindscorp 2 · 0 0

Definitely, I am older than you are and I just returned to school in February of 2007. I now wonder why it took me so long. It is not as easy as it was when I was in my twenties. Actually, it is stressful but I would not give it up for anything.

2007-12-31 03:24:20 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes go part time work part time i know people who do it all the time because they can't afford to just quit their job. Please do it before there is no chance and you have given up. You can do it you can. Good luck hope it works out for you.

2007-12-31 03:22:46 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Let's put it this way. In three years you will be 40. You could be 40 with a degree, or 40 without a degree. My guess is that you have the life experience to deal better with really hard classes than would most young students - you have seen far worse than a bad grade and know what your life priorities are. It will be tough. So what? So you work a little harder. As for the financial impact, I can definitely understand that concern, but most students have part-time jobs, and once you are settled, you may be able to pick up something which not only pays you a little bit, but which prepares you better for your eventual career. You still have over 20 years left for a new career, so why waste time? Good luck!

2007-12-31 03:21:38 · answer #7 · answered by neniaf 7 · 0 0

My sister-in-law went to nursing school when she was 38. It was hard on her and her husband during that time as far as finances go. Now she is 43 and she is a traveling RN making about 80-90k a year.

2007-12-31 03:21:38 · answer #8 · answered by BRANDON S 3 · 0 0

Go back to school!!! You have the money and the time. I know that it will be nerve racking but just think.......in two years you will be so much better for it....or you can say.." Im 39, I wonder if I should go back to school. I should have gone when I was 37". If its really that hard for you to concentrate while studying and not working for two years then just work part time. Its worth it ...do it.

2007-12-31 03:19:13 · answer #9 · answered by smcp1965 5 · 1 0

It's never too late to go back to school and learn =)

2007-12-31 03:16:00 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0