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Do you break the spine and get stuck in or do you read it carefully so you keep it in good condition? I prefer to break the spine because it makes the book seem like it's good because you want to read it. If people lend me their books, I prefer them to be worn in because then its more likely to be a good read, whereas when people give me books that are in pristine condition, I worry whether the book is any good! Also are any of you those annoying people who read the last page of the book before you've read the whole book? Or even worse, do you ignore the prologue and just start reading from the first chapter because I know people who do that and it is so annoying!

2007-12-31 02:58:56 · 21 answers · asked by poikjmL@~# 4 in Arts & Humanities Books & Authors

21 answers

I like to keep my books in good condition, no broken spines, - I want them to look good when they are back on the shelf. I use a book mark too, no turned down page corners. I do have some well worn books - a few children's books read and loved by 3 generations (so far) of children, plus a well thumbed and stained aging cookery book.

Although I usually start reading papers, magazines and reference books from the back, I do start fiction and some non fiction at the beginning, otherwise there'd be no flow and I wouldn't want to spoil, or lose, the plot.

2008-01-02 06:20:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I usually read my books more than once so they naturally look a bit ruffled after some time, I do have books I have read up to seven times and they're nearly falling apart. And with paperbacks the process of having them look used is very quick. However that's my own books, if it's books that people lent me or from a library I treat them differently of course.
I don't read the last page before I've started the book however I sometimes skip the prologue/ intro or parts if it's too long. If I'm not sure whether I'll like the book (before I buy it) I usually open it in the middle and read a apge or two because the first pages are usually not the most exciting and it mostly works. I also like reading series or sticking to certain authors so I know that when the next instalment/ book comes I'll like it and don't have to worry.
It also depends on what reason I read the book for. If I had to read books for school I read them quicker - especially if I didn't like them - or looking to different things like certain (historical) facts, characteristics of persons, stylistics or symbols I wouldn't pay that much attention to if I read the book just for fun. But I have to admit I now enjoy reading some of the books I didn't like when I was at school.

2008-01-03 09:10:30 · answer #2 · answered by misskitty 3 · 0 0

Oh my lord I'm having palpitations, BREAK the SPINE no no no i try to read my books carefully i was always taught to treat books with love and care, if a spine gets damaged accidentally then OK but i truly hate to see people who bend the pages already read back on them selves so the book can be held with one hand sort of in half it just makes my blood boil, anyway enough of my harping on I'm just a major book lover sorry. I never read the back page first and i always start with the very first page of the book including prologues, hun just because a book isn't creased and tatty looking it doesn't mean it isn't any good some of my best books are still looking like new and have been read by several people.

2008-01-01 04:17:59 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

a number of those are from woman perspectives, some would be somewhat "girly lady" on your liking yet others would desire to be ok. i've got left the two sort on and you may determine. Meryll of the Stone (Brian Caswell) Picnic at putting Rock (Joan Lindsay) Stranger with my face (Lois Duncan) taking part in Beattie Bow (Ruth Parks) My Sister Sif (Ruth Parks) Hitch hikers instruction manual to the Galaxy (Douglas Adams) Holes (Louis Sachar) Lord of the jewelry / The Hobbit Eragorn trilogy Narnia The Golden Compass Interview with a Vampire (Anne Rice) Requiem for a Princess (Ruth M Arthur) finding for Alibrandi (Melina Marchetta) Angels Gate (Gary group) Sisterhood of the travelling Pants Pelican's Creek (Maureen Pople) The Diary of Anne Frank To Kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee) The Shiralee (Dárcy Niland) Into the Wild (John Krakauer) Chocolat (Joanne Harris) Harp in the South; undesirable guy's Orange; Missus (Trilogy via Ruth Parks) the place the heart is (Billie Letts) My place (Sally Morgan) Little women individuals (Louisa would Alcott) Rebecca (Daphne De Maurier) the three Muskateers (Alexandre Dumas) something via the Bronte sisters or Jane Austen in spite of you do don’t run The December Boys (Robert Noonan)

2016-10-10 17:31:28 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Like the first answerer I have been taught to take care of a book. Never, ever break the spine or fold down the corner of the page (dog-ear). Guess all of you missed that class trip to the library--lol. As an owner of books from very old to new I can tell you the book will age all on its own on a shelf. I like to keep the book in good condition. I also don't like when a book is marked, I mean, if it's your personal store-bought that's one thing, but espec. a library book.
Just b/c a book is worn doesn't mean its a good read.
I used to like to read the very last paragraph, sometimes the last 1/2 page. Until you get at least 1/2 through, it ususally doens't mean anything. Never skip the prologue--it usually has valuable information, but I will skip those annoying "endorsements" from other writers, editors or celebrities.

2007-12-31 06:48:47 · answer #5 · answered by rockchick 6 · 0 0

I love books, so I keep them nice, plus I read alot of books form the library, so that is a given....I keep thme nice. I read the whole book from from to back, cover to cover....and if the book is good, sometimes wish there was more!

2007-12-31 03:13:26 · answer #6 · answered by deb 7 · 0 0

Well, I could NEVER read the last page of a book! I give every book a chance, even the ones I don't like from reading the first few pages because sometimes the ending makes up for the entire book. So you never know...
I try to read slowly and carefully but I can't. I'm a fast reader and when I'm thrown into the story I have to read even faster because I wanna know what's gonna happen next. I like new books, though. They feel good ;o)
My books even look worn in if they're only a few weeks old (because I take them with me on the train to have a good read but all these journeys doesn't do them good.)

2007-12-31 03:11:22 · answer #7 · answered by toniapolis 2 · 0 0

I don't break the spine as i had a bad experience when i lost the middle of a book because the spine had gone, i do fold pages down when i don't have a book mark. I start at the very beginning and read it all. i never read the last page first.

2007-12-31 03:09:36 · answer #8 · answered by *♥* donna *♥* 7 · 0 0

I try to keep my books in good condition because I want to open a library one day with all my books. I usually read the prologue; depending on my mood

2007-12-31 03:08:07 · answer #9 · answered by Amanda 4 · 0 0

However thy come really.

2007-12-31 03:06:09 · answer #10 · answered by j.pee69 6 · 0 0