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Christmas Will Always Be On December 25. The supposed day that Jesus was born. And now we invented Santa that brings children presents on Christmas. And by the way, Santa is a mixed up word of Satan, the devil. How wrong is it to recieve presents on a day that we should be honoring the day Jesus was born. He died on a cross and here we are spending the day playing with our new remote controled airplane or new bike. And no we are not honoring Jesus with presents we are honoring nothing. And people then say that "The true meaning of Christmas is Jesus"-well aparently our world doesn't seem to think so even if they say that phrase. Here's my plan-instead of recieving presents on Christmas day, we should move "Present Day" to either December 1 or New Years Day (Jan 1). It seems alot more appropriate. On the 25 of December children can still have the same amount of time off from school. What is your opionion on that? Kids would still be recieving their presents, just not on Christmas.

2007-12-31 02:03:17 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Holidays Christmas

4 answers

Interesting points. I think that if you truely believe this, you should practice it yourself. I cannot imagine that you did not give gifts to people and even opened gifts to yourself on Christmas this year. Maybe when you have your own family or if you have one, you could try this and see how it goes. This I think will always be a 25th of December thing. Some people do feel good about giving gifts. But wouldn't it be great if it was more that people could use their talents for the gift they give? Like make something or do something nice for someone, something the reciever needs? Seems that would be a little better. A little more towards honoring Jesus's birth.

2007-12-31 02:16:15 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

*sigh* Santa has NOTHING to do with Satan... I'm not even going to argue that... and Ho Ho Ho is a jolly laughter... not a reference to three sexually loose women...

There are many people who open gifts on Christmas Eve as well as Christmas... It is merely more common for those with young children to do so on Christmas as they are taught that Santa delivers the presents overnight on Christmas Eve.

It is also based on parts of our culture; We give gifts to someone on their birthday; on Jesus birthday we cannot give him gifts, so we merely give to others in his name... It is also to represent the 3 gifts that the wise men brought him.

I do not see why this tradition should take away from someones religion; You still go to Church and are taught the meaning of Christmas (one would hope, if that was your religion)...

2007-12-31 10:14:54 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If you want to do that with your children, go right ahead. You'll find many celebrate Yule, santa and winter solistice, not Jesus. Giving gifts on December 25th was a tradition long long before Jesus was around.

2007-12-31 10:11:13 · answer #3 · answered by American Spirit 7 · 0 0

Jesus was born in June or July..........celebrations,Christmas,honika,, quanza and many others take place in Dec when the harvesting is done..............

2007-12-31 10:09:31 · answer #4 · answered by richard t 7 · 0 0