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2007-12-31 01:41:05 · 3 answers · asked by FiFi B 1 in Business & Finance Investing

3 answers

The published price of gold changes continuously, and the prices they are quoting are for 24K gold. 14K gold is only 14/24 = 58.3% gold. By the way, gold is measured in Troy ounces 12 oz/lb, not the more familiar Avoirdupois ounce, 16/lb.

So weigh your 14K gold in troy ounces, and multiply by 58.3% (or 14/24) to get the weight of the 24K gold in it. Multiply that by the spot price and you have the approximate value.

2007-12-31 01:58:50 · answer #1 · answered by Computer Guy 7 · 1 0

the value per gram of 14k gold is approximately $26.forty 9 as we communicate. fifty 5 grams may well be nicely worth approximately $1456.ninety 5. you in all probability won't get this value. the folk who purchase it from you will would desire to make a income only like a motor vehicle broker whilst he buys your motor vehicle. He will pay you decrease than he will earn whilst he sells it. The link under calculates the present value for countless gold alloys once you enter the present value per troy ounce.

2016-11-27 00:06:50 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Are you buying or selling and how much. That makes a difference to the price

2007-12-31 02:25:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0