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I dont change the setting, , but I've been checking every hr. & it changes. I got to tools, internet options, privacy, & I put it on med/high setting .& it accepts , but later when I check, it goes to accept all cookies.
How can I stop it from changing automatically. Thank you in advance

2007-12-31 00:41:50 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Computers & Internet Security

2 answers

you have something called malware, go to download.com and download spybot search and destroy and follow all the directions, with this program running you will not only clean out what is in there but you will be protected against any further changes to your settings, I would also go to www. lavasoft.com and download and run adaware, these are both free and will solve your problem.

2007-12-31 00:48:44 · answer #1 · answered by egf247 2 · 2 0

egf's answer is good. He beat me to it. I agree with his suggestion.

2007-12-31 01:16:07 · answer #2 · answered by The_Doc_Man 7 · 1 0