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administration and what they have gotten away with??
This questions is not for Fox news fans,racist trolls, trolls who are cowards, and people who are scared of their government because they are not willing to fight for the principles it was founded on .

Does this scare you...it should...even if he did go over the line?


2007-12-31 00:10:10 · 5 answers · asked by gemenisthesign 3 in News & Events Current Events

Censorship...oh boy am I tired.

2007-12-31 00:34:18 · update #1

I thought people would understand why they did that once they saw the whole clip..the kid wasnt crazy and that looked like a scene from the USSR right???Also did you notice police got these powers recently after the patriot act?

2007-12-31 04:29:04 · update #2

5 answers

I never saw the whole incident. Thanks for the link. There is a bumper sticker that reads "I love my country, but fear my government". And there is a saying from the 60s by a black activist, "If you are NOT part of the solution, you are part of the problem." Both are highly relevant here.

Kerry should have answered that guy's questions straight out. Because he didn't, the guy got agitated, thus the tazer. Kerry seems to have been buffaloed at what to say when he was accursed of conceding too early. That's my question. With the last 2 elections so closely tied, why would a real honest contender concede the first time his votes fell behind? Seems to me that, all things considered, he might have "taken the fall", or been "paid" to lose...

Makes me feel like the whole elections thing is just a scam, anyway...

2007-12-31 04:19:51 · answer #1 · answered by correrafan 7 · 2 0

I did view this site.
And this is a tiny situation of americas political abuse. Yes there is censorship in this country. As I stated before in one of your previous questions, about the wording. This is a good example of the subliminal formation of WORDS (from what the gentlemen was trying to get across to the audience, from that book). When the same Words are repeated back to them enlight of which they had hoped to cover or think someone would believe everything they read or is told, they (government/politics) get pissed off/pull a tantrum by illegal/legal security tactics and report to society (let's say newspapers/news stations/radio) make a quick law to cover their @ss for the mistreatment of someone, because we thought we had FREEDOM OF SPEECH and tried to seek understanding/clarification of a written WORD (book). But, they (government/politics) will say, "you forgot to read the fine print." Which will be that adendum that they just implemented for their benefit.
Part of what I see is; One (!) young human being.......Standing with a BOOK in hand..... searching for understanding/clarification of the written/ spoken WORD(S)......taken down (shot/tased) to the ground, for speakinging the TRUTH and speaking UP.
In small ways and situations, how life's patterns repeat themselves.
Jesus was crucified for speaking up about an untruth.
The Kennedy's because they were speaking against the government within the government.
Martin Luther King because he stood up for the unjustice to humanity.
Lest not forget all those who came before, those that we have yet to put a face/name upon and for the many that will trail thereafter. MAY THE BLESSING BE UPON THEM ALL.


As it is said/written; IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE WORD
(the bible) The question should be pondered, whose word(s) and whose beginning?
Why does shaespeare have a part in Psalms?

2007-12-31 15:08:24 · answer #2 · answered by benejueves 6 · 1 0

Yes American politics, or should I say politics as a whole, at their best.

There's higher powers controlling all of this. I wouldn't be surprised if we start facing facsism and totalitarianism here in America in the next couple years with all this fundamentalism.

The government wants the "minorities" to hate the white people. They are going to take out their anger and lash on the poor and middle class white people they deemed worthless long ago (look at the history of Italians and Irish here and you'll know what I mean). Then they want them to fight amongst themselves when that's finished.

That's why we all have to unite regardless of our skin shade and ancestry and stand against oppression.

2007-12-31 03:56:23 · answer #3 · answered by Dusk 6 · 3 0

Here there is no restrictions at all.There is a police for security

2007-12-31 03:40:39 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

life isn't censored. so how come the tv is? how come we must be? you can only sugarcoat so long. people will eventually ask questions, wonder, worry, etc.
nice question.
i don't like censorship.
life isn't censored.

2007-12-31 02:23:20 · answer #5 · answered by crystal spring 4 · 3 0