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Hi! I'm italian. Where in United States should I visit?

2007-12-31 00:05:47 · 12 answers · asked by io_6 3 in Travel United States Other - United States

12 answers

New York for sure!

Hollywood, California and Miami!

With those 3 places you will have SO much fun!

Enjoy, and I can't wait to visit Italy~

2007-12-31 00:13:29 · answer #1 · answered by HotJewels 3 · 2 0

Alaska, Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, Wyoming, Nebraska, Montana, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, New York, New Jersey, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Missouri, Illinois, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Minnesota, Massachussets, Pennsylvania and Virginia 33 States. I am an Alaskan but it's too expensive to live there. Most Beautiful place on earth--absolutely.

2016-05-28 05:18:47 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Where you should visit depends entirely on what you enjoy seeing and doing. There's a lot in the States, and since the country is so expansive and geographically varied, you can definitely find many neat things to see and do.

As many people have already suggested, DC and NYC are major destinations. NYC is tall, fast and always alive. It is really an experience probably rivaled only by Hong Kong. DC is much shorter and more spread out, but you can't beat it for monuments and museums (most of which cost nothing to visit). You could also check out Miami and San Fransisco, both also major destinations. For other cool cities that maybe are not as frequented as the above four, consider Austin, Minneapolis, Omaha, Denver, Chicago and Portland.

If nature is more your thing, you have a ton of options. The big ones include Niagara Falls, the Great Lakes and the Grand Canyon. As someone else suggested, California's wine country is a great option. You could check out the cliff dwellings in New Mexico, the coasts of Maine or Glacier National Park (in my opinion the best among many expansive and awesome parks in the Montana/Utah area, including Yellowstone -- you can rent a cabin there in the middle of the park, where you'll be among the buffalo).

If you like smaller, funky towns, check out Annapolis, which is a bit outside DC. Provincetown on the very end of Cape Cod is neat, and the drive there is fantastic as well. Newport is also cool, as are the smaller towns around Seattle.

2007-12-31 05:26:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I was actually very surprised when I visited San Francisco, California; it is very beautiful. It is a very walkable town and has a lot of great features like Fisherman's Wharf (restaurants, watching the sea lions, eating crabcakes, etc.), going to Alcatraz Prison, sitting on the beach staring at the Golden Gate Bridge, going shopping in Union Square, go wine tasting in Sausalito, etc. etc.

The no-brainer would be going to New York City, if you haven't been there already. It is a very walkable city (Manhattan) and you can always jump onto the Subway. Central Park is beautiful and of course the shopping is great.

Los Angeles/Hollywood is okay but it may be too spaced out and dirty for some people. Hollywood isn't as great as it is made out to be. I absolutely love the beach towns like Malibu, though. If you want to go to the beach then you should definitely go to Miami.

Good luck on your search :-)

2007-12-31 04:00:12 · answer #4 · answered by Brad 2 · 1 0

well Whyoming is GREAT if you go during Febuary so that would be GReat if you like snow and skiing Go there, another place is Orlando Florida to Disney World or sea world, you can go to New York and see Broadway Shows hope you like the US i love it and tell people who dont like it that its a wonderful place

2007-12-31 02:04:34 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Washington D.C. Lincoin

2007-12-31 01:37:04 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Hi,ilaria! I can help you answer this one. Come to New York for sure. I am Italian myself and I have lived here all of my life. Especially here in Brooklyn. We have a lot of restaurants for every taste including Italian. Also,in NY,there is the Empire State Building(I went there a long time ago and it is so awesome) and Broadway(I went there also and saw a couple of shows). Come and you will have a great time.

2007-12-31 00:17:18 · answer #7 · answered by Elizabeth S 2 · 2 0

The United States is full of intresting places and locations.
From New York City to San Fracisco the points of intrest.So the location is up to you,but these are a few areas of intrest.
Washington DC,Boston,New York,
Philidelphia,The Smokey Mountains(North and South Carolina),Orlando,Chicago,Las Vegas,Las Angeles,San Francisco.

2007-12-31 00:15:09 · answer #8 · answered by blakree 7 · 2 0

you should visit New England. right now theres lots of snow but if you visit any other time of the year its great. i live in Mass.

2007-12-31 00:13:42 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Washington D.C.

2007-12-31 00:12:59 · answer #10 · answered by Kìmߣ®L¥ 7 · 1 0