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2007-12-31 00:03:22 · 24 answers · asked by Natalie L 1 in Science & Mathematics Alternative Paranormal Phenomena

24 answers

I think as long as they aren't harming anyone people should be allowed to carry on as they please. That means they should feel free to start up and join paranormal groups, even though they accomplish nothing more than socializing.

2008-01-02 04:22:56 · answer #1 · answered by Peter D 7 · 0 0

I find some of the comments here a little... interesting. ;-) The vast majority of paranormal groups are not in it to make money. The provide all their own equpiment, and meet the costs out of their own pockets.
The people I know will work very hard to eliminate all "normal" explanations for an event first, before looking towards the paranormal.
Sure, you get idiots and charlatans, but you get them in any walk of life do you not?
The likes of the Most Haunted crew are not held in very high regard by a lot of serious paranormal investigators. All MH seems to care about is viewing figures, so the more sensational something is, the better as far as they are concerned.
The genuine researchers will perform hours of painstaiking research off the back of what they find at a place to back up anything a psychic with the group comes up with.
The idiots in it for a quick thrill bring disrepute onto the genuine ones. But that's not unique to the field of paranormal research sadly.
Don't tar all groups with the same brush as there are some genuine, very intelligent people out there.

2008-01-01 15:41:14 · answer #2 · answered by Raven Eyes JPA 5 · 0 0

I am a member of two, and on forums of others.

Forget about the TV shows - that's all they are - there for entertainment - like Most Haunted or feature scousers called Derek.

Some focus strictly on material evidence. These are well organised, experienced folk with a lot of equipment doing it for a personal hobby.
They set up, record everything, and analyise the evidence. Mostly they can debunk stories that are caused by physical phenomenon.

Some consist of a group of sensitives and psychics. These will contact spirits more and sense building changes or events in the place - what is called residual and sentient hauntings.
The best of these will be backed up later by painstaking research into the place and any names or histories found by the group.

Most groups have a mixture of both, and use both techniques.

If you are interested, buy books from a well known rainforest publisher, and look online for groups and forums near you.
I am in Scottish Paranormal, East Scotland Paranormal, and also chat online to International Paranormal Investigators, and Trans Atlantic Paranormal Society.

Get registered online and get in on the conversation.

2008-01-01 13:40:35 · answer #3 · answered by Mr. P 7 · 1 0

I have been into the Paranormal Investigators and research part of Paranormal groups for a good many years. I am well trained in what I do and when someone wants to join our group they are tested for their honesty and their are ways of finding out the truth without even asking.
Our group does not ask for money as we are out there trying to help other people and not make money off of anybody. The ones on T.V. like Ghost Hunters and Most Haunted are motivated by BIG money and they have lost the real reason for doing this kind of work.
Being a Paranormal Investigator is not as easy as the ones who choose to poke fun at us is. I loved 7 answers you have gotten so far.
Each one has common sense and are not out to hurt anyone. I applaud their teggrity.
This one I felt earned a star.

2008-01-02 10:41:26 · answer #4 · answered by sherry 5 · 2 0

I've worked with a few and so has my husband, and I can guarantee you we have never faked anything that has happened. We have never made ANY profit, in fact I have invested over 400 dollars into camera equipment and other technology.

I've videotaped three different ghosts myself, and have caught numerous orbs and unexplained phenomena on camera.

I've experienced and seen, in person, spirit/ghost activity. I have seen poltergeist activity (chairs spinning, dishes flying out of someone's cabinet without explanation, someone's chandelier shaking violently on and off).

As I said, we never do it for profit, I have a strong background in paranormal research and my husband has done a lot of work in the paranormal / occult fields. We mostly clean up damage that people do by using things like Ouija boards, they invite some REAL bad juju into people's houses and lives.

I have only made one five dollar tip in the 3 years that I have worked with a professional paranormal group. I bought myself a coffee.

2008-01-01 21:54:37 · answer #5 · answered by Maggie 6 · 1 0

I believe for every spirit that goes astray, a Paranormal group will find them and take them home to the light. Therefor do not knock what you do not understand, as one day you might go astray yourself and be glad of the Paranormal group.

2008-01-02 13:51:14 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Here's a negative heads up link: http://www.glumbert.com/media/cultleader

2007-12-31 21:50:58 · answer #7 · answered by Psyengine 7 · 0 3

As with anything related to paranormal sciences, some are frauds, some are not. The groups that charge for services are most likely frauds, as they would be more inclined to "produce" evidence to justify getting paid. Others that use Ouija boards and tarot cards, etc. are frauds as they supply no scientific evidence to back up their claims. Let's face it, anyone can play the part of the "medium." True paranormal investigation groups are science based. They look for answers, whether they point to paranormal existence or just loose plumbing. The point is, there are those of us out there who want to know what is out there, if anything. There are those of us out there who want to help people understand what they have in their homes, if anything. Through science, not personal feeling.

2007-12-31 21:47:54 · answer #8 · answered by roadrocker2000 2 · 2 0

kind of looks to me like a majority of your answers are from people who have little or no knowledge of what a paranormal group does. They dont charge fees. They pay their own ways to and from, as well as any other travel expenses. They are trying to help people who have come to their wits ends. if you want to understand try to meet up with and possibly go with a reputable group near you. There are bad groups to be for sure, but there are far more respectable groups who are only trying to help and do research that may pave the way for real breakthroughs in the research of ghosts and hauntings. it would be nice if most people would hold their answers to something they have real experience at doing. Leave out your personal beliefs. but then tell an athiest or science based person they are in factpracticing a faith or belief in something and they cry fowl. Go and experience for yourself and then make a conclusion.

2007-12-31 17:21:41 · answer #9 · answered by nuff said 6 · 7 0

I think some Are for the Wrong performance.

I would like to see one that does not include anything that is of any abomination to God, such as tarrot cards, mediums, astrology, clairvoant......none of that which is of the devils realm = deamons.

I would like to see it be for a Godly reason and of what good can be done with it. Such as being formed by True Christians living consistently good standing with God. Who get together and agree to fast previously to a trip to an institution where people are deamon possessed, and then Cast those imps,entities,deamons out of them never to come back by pleading the Name, The Word, and the Blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!

This is the Paranormal Group that people should belong to.

They would not have the above being specific, but also just tell experiences, questions, etc amongst Christians.

If you know of one I would like to join it. Thanks.

2007-12-31 14:25:13 · answer #10 · answered by LandOfMisty 5 · 1 5