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don't you think it's beautiful to can speak in mathematical terms and be understood by everyone? I think that math is the most important universal language...and I wish one day I can study and work in reserarch maybe out of my land (sardinia)...
sorry for my bad bad english...
the question is: do you appreciate the universality of mathematical language?
bye...and happy new year from sardinia!!

2007-12-30 23:17:43 · 7 answers · asked by Sally Brown 3 in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

7 answers

Yes, it's great that science has a universal language and that all who knows the language are able to understand . There are, of course, some difficulties as to notation and different terms used in different countries, but they are rather minor.
I happen to be a college teacher who is required to teach one course of developmental math, and so at least three times a week I stand before a group of students who hate math, don't get it, and can't wait until they have passed the required courses and never have to see a math expression again. That's one of the realities of the world.
Also, math does, of course, have it's limitations. The great dramas of war, love, sacrifice and achievement can only be adequately told by the non-mathematical languages that we know. Math may be poetry to a few, but for many others the beautiful languages of the great poets and great authors speak in ways that math cannot achieve.
I'm not trying to dampen your enthusiasm; just trying to say we all need to keep in mind that our spoken and written languages have their beauty also.


2007-12-31 01:51:14 · answer #1 · answered by formeng 6 · 0 0

Yes, the universality of mathematics is great and wonderful. Math ha no borders, no frontiers.

Happy new year

2007-12-31 09:29:29 · answer #2 · answered by Steiner 7 · 0 0

great thought, Happy New Year. Keep it up and you will be great .

2007-12-31 07:37:47 · answer #3 · answered by someone else 7 · 0 0

maybe it'll be much easier ,praticamente puoi parlane con tutti
buon anno!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-12-31 07:27:39 · answer #4 · answered by PAul Onizuka 2 · 0 0

9 + 2 = 11, in Australia as well as in Italy.
♥.«´¨!!! Wish you Very Happy & Prosperous New Year !!!´¨`»♥
………*********¸.•*(¸.•*´♥`*•.¸)`*•..…... ************

2007-12-31 07:24:37 · answer #5 · answered by sv 7 · 0 0

ya!u are right.
there is nothing in the universe without maths,
for that reason only MATHS IS CALLED AS "BOSS OF

2007-12-31 07:22:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I love math.

2007-12-31 07:21:27 · answer #7 · answered by Belle In A Dress 5 · 0 0