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Not Viagra, Cialis or Levitra - Something new or even a natural remedy ??

2007-12-30 22:58:28 · 18 answers · asked by Acapulco777 3 in Health Men's Health

18 answers

Erectile dysfunction (ED or (male) impotence) is a sexual dysfunction characterized by the inability to develop or maintain an erection of the penis. There are various underlying causes, such as cardiovascular leakage and diabetes, many of which are medically treatable. Nerve trauma from prostatectomy surgery can cause chronic erectile dysfunction.
The causes of erectile dysfunction may be physiological or psychological. Physiologically, erection is a hydraulic mechanism based upon blood entering and being retained in the penis, and there are various ways in which this can be impeded, most of which are amenable to treatment. Psychological impotence is where erection or penetration fails due to thoughts or feelings (psychological reasons) rather than physical impossibility; this can often be helped. Notably in psychological impotence there is a very strong placebo effect.
Erectile dysfunction, tied closely as it is to cultural notions of potency, success and masculinity, can have devastating psychological consequences including feelings of shame, loss or inadequacy; often unnecessary since in most cases the matter can be helped. There is a strong culture of silence and inability to discuss the matter. In fact around 1 in 10 men will experience recurring impotence problems at some point in their lives.
Folk remedies have long been advocated, with some being advertised widely since the 1930s. The introduction of the first pharmacologically approved remedy for impotence, sildenafil (trade name Viagra), in the 1990s caused a wave of public attention, propelled in part by heavy advertising.
The Latin term impotentia coeundi describes simple inability to insert the penis into the vagina. It is now mostly replaced by more precise terms. The study of erectile dysfunction within medicine is covered by andrology, a sub-field within urology.

2007-12-30 23:19:44 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3


2016-12-22 23:36:18 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i'm a married 48 yr old australian male of good fitness and health.although i probably wouldn't say i had erectile dysfunction, i found our sex life non-existent and found after only one very short 'round' i just couldn't get it up again. after taking , Prolargent5X5 Extreme - amazing. it was like my body was 20 yrs old again. first erection after ~40minutes from taking the pill and the erections of steel easily lasted about 50 hours. my wife does not know i have taken , Prolargent5X5 Extreme a but was pleasantly shocked by about 6 'full on' rounds in bed in 10 hours! yes i had no any side effects.so i probably can use it everyday.

2014-04-24 20:30:36 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation are two of the major killers when it comes to having a good sexual experience. Many people suffer from these conditions and do not know what to do about it. They are scared to try out prescription medications due to the possibility of hazardous side effects. Some of you who have researched the matter might have come across a new all-natural product called Ezerex. But, will this pill be helpful to you in treating your problems and overcoming them or is it another scam to relieve you of your precious money?
The Ezerex Advantage
Ezerex unlike other male enhancement pills that are available on the market does not help in providing penis enlargement. It only concentrates on providing you bigger and firmer erections that obviously last longer providing you the opportunity to relax and enjoy sex for a long period of time.
While the effects of the product sound strikingly similar to prescription medication like Viagra or Cialis, there are some distinct differences that serve as an advantage to users of Ezerex.
Ezerex is a completely natural ingredient product that has very low chances of developing side effects unlike prescription medication that can have harmful side effects. Although the initiation of actions of the pill is similar to prescription medication as it takes about 30 minutes to begin its job, the actions last for a period of about 72 hours, a feature that is not matched by any prescription medication.
Another benefit that Ezerex has over prescription medication is that alcohol consumption has no effects or interactions with consuming the pill, another feature that prescription medication will not be able to perform as it has the possibility of interactions and adverse effects.
Like prescription medication, this pill is taken before sexual activity and is not consumed on a day to day basis.
Ezerex Ingredient List
Ginseng forms the main active ingredient in the pill. Also, the Ginseng in the pill is picked from ancient groves that are supposed to have added benefits in comparison to ones that are grown recently. Ginseng helps in providing many advantages to help in improving the quality of erections by improving the blood flow to the penis. It also has an effect on improving the stimulation within the brain and controlling and boosting the level of testosterone to help improve sperm count. It is also helpful in improving in maintaining the health of the reproductive system while being a powerful aphrodisiac.
Horny Goat Weed forms another important active ingredient in the product. This constituent has efficient actions on improving the libido, and is useful in boosting sexual vigor and vitality. It also has aphrodisiac properties and has been tried out in the treatment of impotence.
Apart from these ingredients Ezerex also contains ingredients like Cnidium that plays a role in improving the release of nitric oxide that plays a role in the erection process. It also has other natural ingredients like Bombyx Mori, Yohimbe, Schizandra Berries that all have beneficial actions on improving the sex drive and performance capacity of the person. Here are some Canadian sources:

http://www.mysuperpharma.com -located in Montreal, Canada.

http://www.tadalafil-pharmacy.com -located in Toronto, Canada.

All the pharmacies are FDA approved and offer 100% Money back guarantee.

2014-03-21 07:47:25 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Cenforce is the best medicine for erectile dysfunction

2016-02-09 15:00:33 · answer #5 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

It's all good, works as a good enhancer should. Feel a difference, get real big for longer time. Good Prolargent 5x5 Extreme Pills, I open the cap and take it with my drink works extra good.

2016-05-10 20:24:33 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Cenforce is of the most powerful medicine in the management of male Impotency, which is the brand name of generic viagra Sildenafil Citrate. Find more details on MedsBuy247 website

2016-04-14 00:25:28 · answer #7 · answered by Sofia Clark 2 · 0 0

K2-Virility Formula - Herbal remedy for ED

2013-11-10 23:45:00 · answer #8 · answered by Parallel 2 · 0 0

Yohimbe bark, but be careful not to over do it! Try Damiana, Chocolates, Alcohol ( in moderation) , get a herb book & have a read, then try them until you find what works for you. If all else fails,..... there's always the option of a Sex Change!!

2007-12-30 23:24:35 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Try Malaysia Ginseng/Tongkat Ali/Eurycoma Longifolia. Millions of people over centuries have used it around the regions of Malaysia and they are normally from 8-9 siblings family backgrounds. Of course it works, for centuries! Without any side effects at all.

2007-12-30 23:23:13 · answer #10 · answered by Patrick 1 · 0 3