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2007-12-30 22:17:17 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Movies

1 answers

...a pretty much run-of-the-mill in-name-only horror anthology follow-up, clearly riding on the more successful coattails of the first two "Creepshow" films; not necessarily assuming that the "Creepshow" property is wholly exclusive to any specific filmmaker(s) or writer(s), but still, when one thinks of the "Creepshow" films series, one thinks of the cinematic stylings of director George Romero, and writer Stephen King. It seemed that there was an almost giddy and nostalgic, albeit a macabre and delectably tongue-in-cheek ghoulish fun attitude, associated with the original "Creepshow" films. With "Creepshow III", it just wasn't the same, without their involvement, and seemingly just a venue to cash in on the "Creepshow" name (...any devoted and discerning, die-hard horror film fan would clearly see that). A bland and generic, ho-hum, by-the-numbers cookie-cutter production, the stories were moderately engaging, and the tie-in/wrap around was somewhat clever, but in the final analysis, I only experieinced a moderate, shoulder-shrugging satisfaction; it was O.K., but in the end, did we really need this???

2007-12-31 00:32:24 · answer #1 · answered by Fright Film Fan 7 · 1 0