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I have one. it's so unbareable. please tell me how you helped yourself. Im using monistat 3

2007-12-30 22:00:20 · 5 answers · asked by ash 2 in Health Women's Health

5 answers

Your gynecologist could give you a stronger prescription cream or pill. Monistat 3 can take a week to work. Use a little cortisone cream for the itching, and try not to scratch down there. It could spread the infection. Hope you feel better soon.

2007-12-31 01:09:37 · answer #1 · answered by Heron 5 · 0 0

Do you Know?

* Most Sanitary napkins are made from Bleached and Recycled Papers?

* Most Sanitary napkins may cause rashes, inflammation and even Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)?

* Most Women are prone to alot of Vaginal/Bacterial infections during their Menstrual Period?

Anion Product

Special features of Negative Ion Sanitary Napkin?
Every Sanitary Napkin comes with a Negative Ion Strip. When the Negative Ion Strip comes into contact with menses, it will send out negative ions which will produce large quantities of oxygen. The oxygen produced will kill the bacteria and viruses it comes into contact with.
Negative ions will move up the womb through the vagina, improving blood circulation. Thus the blood clot stored in the vagina will be discharged more smoothly. The womb can be repaired and improvements can be expected in 3-5 days. Then, inflammation disappears and no smell is left.

Love Moon Negative Ion Sanitary Napkins can effectively restrict the growth and survival of bacteria and viruses, activates metabolism, improves secretion, and increases immunity. They are also effective in adjusting pressure, resisting bacteria, reducing inflammation, reduce odour and removing tiredness.

Each Package of Sanitary Napkins comes with a Self-test Kit. The Self-test card holds a patent rights. It is used mainly for comparing the before and after use of the negative ion sanitary napkin and for the analysis of the health quality of the gentalia. It is suggested to use the Negative Ion Sanitary Napkin together with the self-test card so as to trace any improvement after using.

Unique 7 Layers of Loving Protection
1st Layer Premium soft cotton surface
2nd Layer Anion padding works naturally to iliminate menstrual discomforts and odour.
3rd Layer Ultra soft cotton layers that enwrap the absorbent polymer. .
4th Layer Abundant super absorbent polymer
5th Layer Ultra soft cotton layers that enwrap the absorbent polymer. .
6th Layer Breathable bottom layer that allows free flowing of air
7th Layer Specially designed edible back adhesive Uses commercial adhesive

8 Key Benefits of Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin

* Eliminate Bacteria, therefore
* Eradicate Odour, therefore
* Enhance Hormonal Balance, therefore
* Treat Inflammation, therefore
* Remove Fatique, therefore
* Strengthen Immunity, therefore
* Improve Metabolism, therefore
* Reduce Stress

Instructions for using Self-Test Kit

1) How to use the self-test kit correctly?
- this product is not applicable for diabetes patient, hormones users and women during menstrual period and pregnant period. It is advised to use the self-test kit 2 days after the menses end - apply the secretion onto the paper and compare the results under normal light within 30 seconds. Please see a doctor if there's inflammation;

2) Please refrain from sexual intercourse for 48 hours before using. Do not clean the vagina, do not bath and do not take any medication before using the self-test kit

3) Please use immediately after unsealing. This product can only be used once

4) Store under shade and in a dry place. Validity Period of the Product 3 years.

FAQ - Anion Sanitary Napkins

How often must Anion Sanitary Napkins be changed?

For Anion Sanitary Napkins, it is advisable to change it in 4 hours, as bacteria is being eliminated and high absorbency, it will be safe to use it at a longer durations. As for other brands, it is advisable to change it in 2 hours, most of the brand does not have anti-bacteria functions and low absorbency, therefore bacteria will exist as long as the mensurial blood is on the sanitary pad. It is not good for health.

Do give yourself another choice of choosing this sanitary napkin, so that you could have a better protection.

2007-12-31 10:48:31 · answer #2 · answered by guzheng9992003 1 · 0 0

That's the best medicine out there. Use a little on the outside too, that will soothe the skin on the outside. One of the biggest causes of yeast is antibiotics. So the next time you start taking one, I have a home remedy that will catch it before it starts. This will only work if you catch it early.
In a water tight bowl mix 1part vinegar to 4 parts water. Add cotton balls. Put them in like you would a tampon that doesn't have an applicator. Don't worry, you can't loose it. Change cotton ball every time you urinate so you change often enough. It'll stop yeast in it's tracks.
The first time you get yeast is the worst because it get let go for so long cuz you don't know what it is. It'll be easier from now on..

2007-12-31 08:10:33 · answer #3 · answered by Linda B 6 · 0 0

I have had a yeast infection before on several occasions and after my doctor confirmed that I had the yeast infection she gave me a medication that I had to use for 7 days at bed time. I then felt better after the treatment was done.

If you still feel no relief after several more days I would recommend getting in touch with your doctor to have them evaluate the situation further to see what they think could be going on.

2007-12-31 06:16:32 · answer #4 · answered by sokokl 7 · 0 0

Some useful advice at this sources which could help - only using natural non-pharmaceutical methods (which is much better for long term permanent relief and less knock-on effects):

2007-12-31 06:06:46 · answer #5 · answered by randa 3 · 0 0