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If I change the standard antenna on my WiFi hotspot to a 5dbi one, could I get the situation where the return signal (built in laptop wifi) wont be strong enough, even if it can see the conncection?

2007-12-30 21:12:25 · 1 answers · asked by Rich M 1 in Computers & Internet Computer Networking

1 answers

Not normally. Remember that an increase in dbi affects BOTH the transmit and receive ability of the hotspot! (I would tell you to use 7dbi antennas at minimum for the thing particularly if you are going to be changing them anyway!)

Usually you will see "low" signal when on the edge of the range regardless. So if you "see" the signal you will know how strong it is and should be able to connect (or know you won't). What you describe CAN happen but its not often unless the "client" card is really weak on its transmitter. The better cards don't usually exhibit this behavior.

Now if you really want the best range, both the client and the hotspot need external antennas!

2007-12-31 01:00:17 · answer #1 · answered by Tracy L 7 · 0 0