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The Freedom of Information act has brought some documents to light which suggest that prison camps (similar to the Japanese internment camps of WWII) were considered in the 1950's.

Now there is a video circulating on the 'net about a possible prison camp being constructed in Beech Grove, Indiana.

Possibly true? (Please cite sources and explain)

Letter From the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (Hoover) to the President’s Special Consultant (Souers)

Google Video: FEMA Camp

Wikipedia Entry

Google Maps

(Check the satellite view and follow the tracks which run from the northwest to the southeast)

2007-12-30 21:11:12 · 8 answers · asked by orisons 5 in Politics & Government Government

8 answers

It's very true - albeit it has been a quasi-secret of the government for quite some time now. But it is no longer taboo conspiracy “tin foil hat crowd” material. Mainstream news is even reporting on this now. The fact is, the Army is expressly authorized to create civilian concentration camps on military installations. We all know that the Bush administration expanded presidential powers during an emergency with their recent directives. If there is a bio, chemical or radiological "terror" attack on the U.S., the government will declare a national state of emergency and martial law. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights will be suspended for an indefinite period. Just like the “War on Terror” is a grey conflict with no foreseeable end, martial law will be the same type of thing. The plans for these camps are clearly laid out and defined in Army Regulation 210-35, called "Installations: Civilian Inmate Labor Camps". The document was signed by Sandra R. Riley (then-administrative assistant to the secretary of the Army). You can just type in a Google search for “Army Regulation 210-35” or here is a hyperlink to it:

The regulation revises a previous civilian inmate labor camp regulation signed under the Clinton administration. Bill Clinton was questioned about the camps when he was president and he didn’t even bother to deny it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJ05vt7iURE

You see, the government is so brazen that they will openly admit that this is happening. They just talk about it casually as if they are talking about the price of tea in China. They simply whitewash anything negative about it. The ruling elites have a quest for a global empire, and they don’t like dissent. The goal of the camps is to imprison American citizens – mainly those who dare to speak out against the government. They are also for those who will not comply with martial law or anyone who defends the Constitution/Bill of Rights. Anti-war peace activists will be prime candidates to be detained.

Edit to Mark A: “Yawn…a non-story” ?? What a typical apathetic remark. Well, you can close your eyes and continue to kid yourself into believing that it’s a non-story if you like. But you’ll be sorry that you didn’t take an interest or get more involved in the future when you’re being hauled off to one of these camps. Tell me, when you’re over-charged on a bill do you just go ahead and pay it because you don’t feel like disputing it? If you don’t care about your rights, the government will gladly take them away from you. Wake up – and start caring about what’s going on around you!!

2007-12-31 07:43:01 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

They are being built by our friends at Haliburton and staffed by Blackwater. Built to imprison any one who supports Dr. Ron Paul.

2007-12-31 04:41:25 · answer #2 · answered by mazeman25 3 · 4 0

A lot of crap circulates on the internet. That doesn't make it true or accurate.

2007-12-31 02:14:44 · answer #3 · answered by npk 7 · 1 3


A non-story

2007-12-31 01:29:38 · answer #4 · answered by Mark A 6 · 0 6

yes there are many fema camps through out the usa they are there for the coming uprising which is coming soon noi doubt

2007-12-31 00:49:49 · answer #5 · answered by melvin l 3 · 4 0

For anyone in doubt, I suggest the links below.
KBR a subsidiary of Halliburton has had the contract since 1996 to provide the US Military with Prison camps.


Below is what happens when you try to access Field Manual 3-19.40 On Military Police plans for Civilian Internment....

2007-12-30 23:54:21 · answer #6 · answered by Cookies Anyone? 5 · 4 0

Prison camps are being built to stockpile "dissidents" About 3 million of them.

2007-12-30 23:41:11 · answer #7 · answered by shazaamazam 4 · 5 0

I hope they throw your **& in there first.

2007-12-30 21:27:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 6