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continuation from above.
he proposed to sell each pen at a profit of 50 cents.show that his proposed selling price for each pen, in dollars is $(54+x/2x).

2007-12-30 18:29:05 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Education & Reference Homework Help

1 answers

If he bought x pens for $27, each pen costs 27/x. If he is proposing a $0.50 markup, then the cost for each pen will be 27/x + 0.5, or if you wanted to combine that, that would become:

27/x + 0.5 = 27/x + 1/2
= 54/2x + x/2x
= (54 + x)/2x

It's just a matter of combining fractions and getting common denominators.

2007-12-31 03:11:40 · answer #1 · answered by igorotboy 7 · 0 0