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Yes, it's obviously not the best, but tell me:
Is it a decent pre-built Gaming computer for my $1,200 budget?

PROCESSOR Intel® Core™2 Q6600 Quad-Core (8MB L2 cache,2.4GHz,1066FSB)
OPERATING SYSTEM Genuine Windows Vista® Home Premium with Digital Cable Support
MEMORY 3GB Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM at 667MHz - 4 DIMMs
HARD DRIVE 500GB - 7200RPM, SATA 3.0Gb/s, 16MB Cache
VIDEO CARD 512MB Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT

2007-12-30 18:23:33 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Computers & Internet Hardware Desktops

11 answers

It SURELY can handle games that require enchanced graphics and lightenings, etc...but I must ask... where are you gonna buy all that cool staff from with just 1200 bucks? if you know the place, then I would happily buy that too. seriously

2007-12-30 18:34:54 · answer #1 · answered by Hrant K 1 · 0 0

wow, this is great stats!
all u need to consider when completing ur comp and factor in the cost of is
a good motherboard (around $100)
a good cooling system!
which may include an aftermarket cpu cooler, stock coolers are almost never enough ($50-$100)
fans or a liquid cooled system (costs vary)

2007-12-30 18:42:17 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Great Specs...

But, You wrote:
" MEMORY 3GB Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM at 667MHz - 4 DIMMs "

3GB won't work as a dual channel, dual channel only works with even number of RAMs, 2 or 4 or....

+ No noticable performance difference between 667MHz bus speed and 800MHz bus speed specially when having a processor from Intel, since AMD processors get used better than Intel with higher memory frequencies since AMD's memory controller is integrated inside the CPU chipset itself, so less memory latency..

So choosing a 667MHz bus is a good choice..

+ Choose the Mobo, VGA, RAM, HDD brands carefully..

Recommended Brands:
Mobo: ASUS P5K Deluxe
VGA: eVGA 8800GT 512MB
RAM: OCZ platinum rev2
HDD: Seagate Barraccuda 7200.10

2007-12-31 05:39:43 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

WOW...!!! It's same like mine, but with 1GB VGA card & 4GB RAM, they're better & no need to spend much more money.

2007-12-31 02:09:54 · answer #4 · answered by Mad Scientist has Retired. Bye!! 5 · 0 0

That's an envious set up especially when you overclock the Q6600 to around 3.0gHz level. At stock speed, it might still bottleneck the pretty fast 8800GT.

2007-12-30 21:09:26 · answer #5 · answered by Karz 7 · 0 0

thats a good system for 1200.00.considering its a pre-built ...who is the maker of this thing?.........im curious to see who it is..........


2007-12-30 19:07:04 · answer #6 · answered by Scott 7 · 0 0

That is a very good PC! Except you may have a few problems with Vista.

If I were you I would see about replacing the Vista Setup with Windows XP. If this is going to be your gaming PC then you should know that Vista is typically slower with graphics then XP. But the good thing about Vista is that you can use DirectX 10. So basically if you want to play the most recent video games and you want to take advantage of DirectX 10 the stick with Vista, but if you just like good graphics at the fastest frame rates and don't care about DirectX 10 then go with XP.

REALLY nice PC overall though!

2007-12-30 19:03:40 · answer #7 · answered by Stovall::S 2 · 0 0

I desire consoles on account that they dont require consistent upgrading, exceptionally on account that video games are made for consoles and ported to computing gadget so the pics difference isn't plenty distinctive. and that i continually spend too plenty on computers. computing gadget has greater effective pics (whilst utilized), greater effective controls yet fees plenty greater to run.

2016-10-02 22:52:15 · answer #8 · answered by nason 4 · 0 0

sweeet, thats awsome for that price!!! and yeah id go with 800mhz ram, and 3gb should be enough for vista and games. Could you tell us where you got it or the parts?
Cheers, *have fun playin' crysis lag free!!

unwelcome_crow@yahoo.com or

2007-12-30 18:59:50 · answer #9 · answered by bensa_trademark 1 · 0 0

sounds good, i would have chose xp pro, get a good mobo for it so u can oc that processor, and i'd recomend getting 800 MHZ of ram instead of the 667 mhz

2007-12-30 18:33:11 · answer #10 · answered by kingajs 4 · 1 0