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To be honest, I think they should go through a certain program that lets them take care of a "fake baby" like a robot and talk to people that had been through teenage pregnancy.

2007-12-30 18:01:02 · 26 answers · asked by Deniece 4 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

No it isn't...

2007-12-30 18:06:29 · update #1

My school don't have those programs.. But 6 out of 10 high schoolers and 4 out of 10 middle schoolers are pregnant at my school.. My school rather buy Navigators and Escalades.. :( So sad..

2007-12-30 18:08:11 · update #2

26 answers

Number one. It is NOT illegal to have sex under the age of consent. It is however illegal to have sex with someone over the age of consent if you are under the age of consent. Example: Jill is 14 and her BF Jack is 17, the age of consent is 16 in their state. That would be considered illegal and could cost Jack some time in Jail.

I personally think that there shouldn't even be an age of consent, considering the fact that it really can't be enforced unless you have a camera watching your every move until you reach the age of consent.

In school, they do teach kids about sex and pregnancy etc. I for one was a lucky one who had the fake robot baby and I did well with it, but honestly still had sex, still got pregnant and had a baby. But that class taught me how to be a responsible parent as well. I took the class titled "education for responsible parenthood" or ERP. For 3 and a half years, I would not be the mom I am today had I not taken that class. I believe classes like this should be mandatory for all high school students, even boys. Also, the schools should be teaching abstinence until marriage, not handing out condoms telling the teens, " If your gonna do it, at least use this" My school was guilty of handing condoms out regularly, and giving pregnancy tests to scared girls.

The schools are teaching the kids that it's okay to have sex, as early as elementary school. It's sad. Parents need to step up and talk to their kids about sex. I was having sex for 2 years before my mother had "THE TALK" with me. I was like, what are you kidding me??? She was wayyyyyy tooooo late. It is bad parenting if you ask me. We all have a chance to change that with our kids, now that there is so much knowledge about it. I am trying convince my neighbors 14 year old to wait as long as he can, because sex, although very enjoyable, can ruin your teen years!!!

2007-12-30 18:45:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I'm assuming that you mean two people under the age of consent are having sex.

The law isn't going to stop anybody. If two 15 year olds have sex, then who is gonna tell the police? Their parents? Why would they want to incriminate their own child? And if they end up having a baby together, that's more of a lesson than any legal punishment would be.

2007-12-30 18:35:10 · answer #2 · answered by Liz 4 · 1 0

Ok let me clear this up. Having sex under the age of consent is illegal in most [not all] states. However, the age of consent in each state varies anywhere from 14-18. I think it's a person's own decision, and some school already have that class, I know mine does. <333

2007-12-30 18:25:09 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

i think it should be illegal to have sex under the age of consent and it is!!!! and some kids do go through taking care of robot babys, i did.... and sometimes teenagers do come in and tell kids their experience on being a mother or father at a young age

2007-12-30 18:05:27 · answer #4 · answered by Kay D 1 · 1 0

As far as I know sexual relations under the age of consent is illegal. The age of consent varies state to state. Some states are lower while others are higher. It would seem to me that the age of consent laws were probably developed to insure mature responsibility. This due to the fact that there are some definite consequences connected to the enjoyment of sexual relations.

2007-12-30 18:56:22 · answer #5 · answered by ethology 4 · 0 0

Absolutely. Teenagers are still very young, and don't have the gray hairs behind them to know what a wise decision is (well at least not all the time). The law is there to protect those from ruining their lives before they regret it. I'm glad it is illegal in our country.

2007-12-30 18:29:59 · answer #6 · answered by mumontherun 4 · 2 0

Well yea and no but umm I think teens being prego sucks b/c I was prego in high school.Two times and in middle I was prego 3 times but did not have them.The ones I had in high I still have there names are tiffany and austin austin is 3 months tiffany is 1 year and I'm 18 years old.

2007-12-30 18:57:44 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We had those at our school it didnt stop them from doing it or anything else. Infact the baby was actually pretty fun. we got to dress it up and have it for a weekend I think they should make you have it for amonth but there wouldnt be no time for allt he babies to go around byt the time you get up there they will be ready for you to take a baby home lol

2007-12-30 18:16:43 · answer #8 · answered by cutenwild1769 5 · 0 0

I'm With You I Think Every School Should Have The Mechanical Baby Lesson. My School Does. I Mean I Can't Wait...I Just Wanna Know Who I'm gonna Share It With. Lol.. But It's Not A Laughing Matter When Its An Actuality. I don't Think It Should Be Illegal But I Would Think Teens Would Be Smart Enough To Where A Condom. Cause Some Of Those Students I Know Don't Want No Baby. They Risk A LOT of Diseases..And Pregnancy. That Is Just Freaking Retarded. Some One Needs To Scare The H E L L Out of These Kids And Show Them What It Is Actually Like. Because It Sure Isn't No Ball Game. Hope My Opinion Helped.

2007-12-30 21:20:16 · answer #9 · answered by cheyclarkton 2 · 0 0

They have that program in some schools but the problem is that some people are just stupid and do that stuff anyway. As Ron White says, "you can't fix stupid." I allways say that God must love stupid people cause he sure makes a lot of them.

2007-12-30 21:03:43 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0